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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Remember My Chemical Romance? Yeah I just started listening to The Black Parade Better late than never? Also picked up Papa Roach's F.E.A.R. album.
  2. Actually the rules are competed or displayed within the past year. #Doublerek
  3. It's way easier for a fleet of vehicles to all be the same so that a mechanic can easily work on any of them. It's the same thing that applies to a company purchasing a fleet. They typically buy all of the same thing so that they don't have everything different. Besides, the PEI's they have are starting to become some of the oldest trucks they have, so it only makes sense to replace them next.
  4. I think the real focus of this picture is the Mercury Cougar that has been spray painted orange, and has had a bull bar added to it. Also it looks like someone rubbed Vaseline all over that camera lense.
  5. Despite your extremely busy schedule you were able to help get me my start in content creation by cloning some of my earliest trucks. I've never come across someone who was so happy about what he did in content creation, and so eager to show everyone what they'd done. I'll have to design a fun postcard to send you. We'll always miss our little Christina EDIT: I still think you deserve the MRoR World Finals 3 FS Championship.
  6. The #MoreMonsterJam series is pretty damn successful, I'd be shocked if they didn't bring it back. The Fox Sports 1 points tour actually puts a running competition on for TV, so I'd be surprised if they didn't bring it back either.
  7. Well then it's a good thing they only use pink on Madusa, and Scooby-Doo crew shirts/fire-suits and nowhere else, and that Madusa was originally made pink to bring awareness to breast-cancer. Yeah FELD sucks.
  8. Speaking of Canada day, don't forget your TFK's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh2YFfeUrOA
  9. Just because a track is planned for a league doesn't mean it wll be done. It has burned us in the past.
  10. Exactly, look at how well this worked, they can fix stupid tires, easy!
  11. I hate FELD for providing some of the best trucks and creating the best shows in monster trucks. Their new ideas with points series offend me on a great level as they completely leave Madusa out of the lime-light. Their cutting-edge ideas to bring excitement to arena shows is in vain because the tracks cause more roll-overs, which leave children with PTSD. The Monster X Tour's new tracks are far superior, and are way less dangerous to the audience. Obvious Sarcasm
  12. Kids who just want an arcade-like game for monster trucks. I mean, I don't want to say this is an excellent or bad game game because I haven't played it, but we don't really know how well this game works as an arcade game because none of us have played it. For all we know it could be a decently fun game, just no realistic. I used to have a ton of fun on Monster Jam/Urban Assault/Path of Destruction, but they weren't realistic, they were just fun arcade games. But aside from that, yeah this is a pretty bad port.
  13. Yeah, but I figured not really much has changed with the tires, they can be made more buoyant by inflating them more, so what I was saying is that if the tires can be just as buoyant, then the truck easily would be able to float. I honestly have my doubts about whether or not the intake and exhaust would be above water on most trucks today. I suppose you could really gas up the shocks and over-inflate the tires, but that'd probably make the truck really unstable and it's probably flip, but it could work. Overall, probably not going to see a modern truck floating any time soon.
  14. Can I point out how well Dalton Millican is doing? He only ran arenas the whole first quarter, and his first stadium show was in Spain, but here in his fourth Stadium, he's already putting on better freestyles than a lot of FELD's drivers, and definitely better Freestyles than I would have ever expected from someone so new to the game. Check it out, he's not afraid to get after it in the slightest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2LCtJ3FSmY
  15. Tons of other leafers could float. In this video, they drive a few across a pond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOm_dYs8-78 Technically this is still floating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwwddWg08Nc Now as for floating a modern monster truck? According to the 2011 Monster Jam yearbook, "Old School" trucks weighed in at about 15,000 LBS. Obviously with the many different shapes and sizes truck were in those days, we could probably argue that that estimate could give or take about 1,500 LBS, maybe even more. Now, we all know monster trucks weigh 10,000 LBS, but from what drivers have told me, FELD's fleet currently weighs about 12,000 LBS on a CRD, and sometimes about 13,000 LBS on an Inhouse/Cohen chassis where more things have had to be added to keep it up to date. So with weight being an issue I suppose it possible. I won't look into tire pressure because technically you could just inflate the tires more if you planned on doing this. So, in theory, yes, Modern Monster Trucks can float. The real issue comes with how modern trucks are designed notice in those videos how much the trucks using single tires sink in before floating? They can only survive that because in those trucks the engine is really high up above the frame. In a modern truck it would be very likely that the engine would be submerged.
  16. No other movie will ever be better than it. #SaveFerris
  17. A man after my own heart. Enjoy the site.
  18. I mean it's not like he's going to go on Reddit and say, "This is very dangerous, and this thing we have been doing can put people's lives at risk."
  19. Name: Mason Sponsor: 2UNDR Number: 2 Make of Vehicle: Chevy
  20. Technically 3rd place is a tie, putting Bari in 4th but whatever. No matter who he beat in the finals, he still had to be faster than everyone to get there. Bari can drive real well, and denying that fact/putting him down/doubting it is "unbelievably insane"
  21. What are you talking about? Bari's a talented driver. He won racing in Syracuse, and is a former YGS champion. Not to mention 4th in the Fox Sports 1 Championship.
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