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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Good luck, I think the creator was Box5Diesel who left the RoR community (atleast visibly) quite a while ago...
  2. Online only, really ruins it.
  3. 1. Sim Monsters does not use RoR version .38 2. Sim Monsters does not control any servers, they don't know why you would be banned
  4. I understand, I just got a Galaxy S III, and I am scared to death about anything happening to it at this point...
  5. Name: Mason Watts AIM: mighthesitate@gmail.com erm... Mountaineer i guess
  6. A newer one that will be starting in about two weeks is the second third of Monsters of RoR, which will be ran at random fairgrounds and speedways. Welcome to sim monsters, if you have any questions you probably won't turn to me, but I am here to help nonetheless.
  7. Jared, send me the stuff on aim (mighthesitate@gmail.com) and I can. Clone it for you, same goes to anyone making a scheme for the MRoR finals
  8. Drop F ftw Guitar cam, 18 year old guitarist, yet still awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkOYjaaNttM
  9. There aren't out and open, but if you tell me what body you want a blank template of, I can make one for you.
  10. Just gonna point out, he called RoR an early W.I.P... It's had many stable and final releases, plus development is going to slow a lot with BeamNG. Just a thought
  11. 90% chance I can't do it if its Monday or Tuesday, may need fill in
  12. I would say police, a real life Donut Patrol would be pretty epic...
  13. inb4 people accuse of Confederacy it's a good idea, but i dont find it to be something i would like to make, i'm a lot more of a track maker
  14. Here's another one "OOPS I've dropped my headset in my chicken this time." -Aaron Lurie 2013
  15. M band almost opened for TFK in louisville on the war of change tour... So close. Anyways, we have ONE SONG left to mix on our album, I can't wait for it to be finished after of 6 months. We have a full set of original songs, and play a lot of covers, as bassist, I try to throw some fun licks into songs, but I'm not the bast at it... If you ever get a professionally recorded album done (our band coach just so happens to work him own recording studio, and let us record there) just know that mixing takes a very, very, very long time if you want to get it to a serious quality exactly the way you like it, I hope you guys do well on your bands, best of luck to you.
  16. 4th row at Indy, Track was kinda watered down, but nothing hit the stands.
  17. "Aww man, I have the lowest IQ here" -Aaron Lurie 2013 "When does CFMotherlettersofthealphabet start?" -Aaron Lurie 2013 "I just changed Masons name to Chuck, and Joshes name to Norris" -Aaron Lurie 2013 "Oh no, I dropped my headset in my ketchup..." -Aaron Lurie 2013 "OH NO, THE CRANE FELL OVER" -Aaron Lurie 2013 "He shoved the shaft through the pan" -Aaron Lurie 2013 "The gods have told me that the truck's name in Iron Warrior" -Aaron Lurie 2013 "I have like 95 periods" -Blair Lockhart 2013 "Oh good, I flipped. Now I can eat more meat" -Aaron Lurie 2013 MaxDrocks33 MJFanatic3 11:12 am i dumped sugar on my pancakes but hell still less sugar then the average serving of cereal- Aaron Lurie Me: I thought you said Josh quit MRoR? Aaron: Yeah... I may have exaggerated that... Me: then what did he actually say? Aaron: He said he wouldn't be able to make next weeks event EDIT: "I can't read this Calender, how do I read a calender?" -Aaron Lurie 2013
  18. It definitely won't work, squishy's cars are only props, therefore the game doesn't load them when you are online. It would kind of ruin the point.
  19. Getting a company does absolute nothing, it's the components inside. I have a Lenovo with Windows 7 and it works completely fine with a quad core i5, and 8 gigs of RAM. The only real issue is that it has an integrated graphics card which i need to override. I would highly recommend Windows 7 over Windows 8.
  20. Here's the real kicker, I live just across the river from Louisville...
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