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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Morgan Kane's first event was in October of 2010, so yes it is his third year
  2. If they actually followed their own rules, and then let Morgan in the real event, he could very well win racing...
  3. I will see wat i can do on the finish line, but the racing lanes weren't really curved. I can go and edit the tuff truck ramps more though, thanks
  4. Edy, on your trucks i notice that there are some glares on the body, as though they were photo-textured, other than that they look great.
  5. AHAHAHA. You expect too much from me Yes that is correct
  6. I spent all day on this... not too great. Guess el track.
  7. Indy is already being made, no need to have two different versions of it in progress at the same time.
  8. Actually I thought he was quite constructive, he didn't just say "Looks sh!t" and left it at that, he added what he thought was wrong. People post their things here mainly to get constructive criticism, Harlow just cuts to the chase rather than beat around the bush like everyone else. Honestly that is the type of criticism I would like to get.
  9. I was referring to putting maybe something my like a camper on a trailer, or something like that that they used to do, or maybe another firetruck, or strange vehicle like that. idk. I guess i didn't explain that very well.
  10. Please not a backflip ramp, the best part of the finals was the trailer jump I hope they bring back sone of their lunacy and start putting random campers on things like they used to in a lot of tracks, not just the world finals.
  11. Yes, it was a very very quick thing, and it's not a real great model. It is also just added to the body.mesh, but i can probably separate it and release it as a .blend on here if enough people want it.
  12. No. This problem has literally been brought up on S-M atleast 30 times. If you don't like them not having tires, please download .37. It doesn't override .38
  13. This is what happens when I get a snow day... (it's a plow) It could also double as a battering ram...
  14. I will pm you later with the reference pics you need for that I guess, after your aim is doing that thing where it says you are offline when you aren't and when I told my friends who was messaging you to tell you to message me all you said was "I care" :|
  15. from what i read the game has been optimized to run really well across all systems(as well as it can...) you might want to ask the developers, but from what I read it runs smoother than rigs of rods does. then again hat do i know about computers...
  16. they have said it would probably run as well RoR or better, due to RoR being on a seriously outdated physics engine
  17. inb4 "OMGEE WHY IS DIS GAM NOT FREE I AM SOOOOOOOO TERRENTING THIS THIS IS SO BS DUD ROR WAS FREE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Seriously though, BeamNG is amazing already and the developers deserve to be paid more for it than 90% of big game corperations.
  18. I think that they should do what they do with girder with ironman, and have Morgan race, and Scott freestyle.
  19. Great driving from Blair and Aaron, and a preview of a track I made. Enjoy (Ik there is no audio)
  20. 1-24: FELD trucks 25:Bounty Hunter 26:Avenger 27:Stone Crusher 28:Another succesful indy
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