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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Am I the only one that still calls it by the proper name? "Liquidfire Truck Pack"
  2. Maybe you can pass my uncle in number of wrecks, i think he is up to 9-10 xD Seriously though glad your ok.
  3. Tom meents, hits jumps fast and floors it as soon as his truck rolls over and doesn't get rii'd= skill?
  4. Looks great, but I think Backdraft's cab needs some work.
  5. Yea, but I meant "why" so it would be a sarcastic question but auto correct changed it to "hey." Oh well, at least some good drivers are there
  6. Why does it feel like this list was put together before the season started?
  7. File Name: Syracuse Monster Truck Mix Up File Submitter: mason67 File Submitted: 11 Feb 2013 File Category: Tracks Thank you to Rock for the cars Thank you to The original maker of the stadium (unsure, please tell me of you are reading this) Thanks to all my friends who helped along the way and anyone else I may have forgotten! Click here to download this file
  8. Update to Minny 04 should be up soon, please go check it, sorry it wasn't working before! http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/753-minny-2004/ (will say Minny 2004 1.5)
  9. @all, Somehow my version is working without a cfg file I will add one in, and re-upload, very sorry for this
  10. Ragin' steel isn't mine, I'm beta testing it for a friend
  11. File Name: Minny 2004 File Submitter: mason67 File Submitted: 11 Feb 2013 File Category: Tracks Thank you to Rock for the cars Thank you to The original maker of the stadium (unsure, please tell me of you are reading this) Thanks to all my friends who helped along the way and anyone else I may have forgotten! Click here to download this file
  12. 287 downloads

    Thank you to Rock for the cars Thank you to The original maker of the stadium (unsure, please tell me of you are reading this) Thanks to all my friends who helped along the way and anyone else I may have forgotten!
  13. Version 1.5


    Thank you to Rock for the cars Thank you to The original maker of the stadium (unsure, please tell me of you are reading this) Thanks to all my friends who helped along the way and anyone else I may have forgotten!
  14. That Ford body with a Chevy logo painted on the front makes me laugh
  15. It's outdated, but it's also the version these truck work on...
  16. Regardless of wether or not someone make a crush car that actually crushes, there is no way of it being used online, so you would only be able to use it just driving around.
  17. Sorry for asking another question that may sound stupid, but are we required to have Teamspeak? If so, is there a way to get it free?
  18. I believe that this has been asked before, but I don't think it got an official answer. Will all competitors and trucks be in the server at once? I know that that would lag most of the competitors very much, and would get irritating. Thanks
  19. the rules in monster jam state that two trucks of the same name can not compete. I assume they either would drive generic feld truck, maybe zombie, or some young guns shoot out truck.
  20. From an angled shot, it looks like a pointy hideous 599.
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