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Everything posted by monsterjam9876

  1. anyone got the white ghost rider logo?
  2. im pretty sure that most people on sim mosnter uses paint.net. but if some one uses anything else can yall tell me please
  3. This shows how trigged and stupid the beamng community are
  4. wanna say one thing it wasent monster jam who mad him do it. it was feld. and im gonna miss that stinger on that truck. its just looks to different with out it. and if its so expensive why not go back to the old design. to be honest i would like to see the old design
  5. well what i have seen is that beamng drive has real physics and great graphics. but the game lags alot for some people. rigs of rods has great detail in some maps and hes ok physics. i had a bad computer and ran both. beamng was very laggy and no matter how low my graphics where the game still lagged alot. rigs of rods was ok a first. not alot of lag to it but all i had to do is turn my graphics down. after that the game ran very well. the only thing that lagged was having 4 or more trucks in the game and people spawning in multiplayer. even with a bad computer ror online still worked fine. so im going with rigs of rods on this one
  6. that kind of sucks seance they just came out with the new monster energy designs. it would be cool if they keep the normal monster energy and put the new ones in the triple threat tour.
  7. just watched this in my opinion it does not look that bad but idk if this is a new truck or a new monster energy design. this could be a new ride of todd and coty but if anyone knows and info on this truck let me know this looks pretty cool.
  8. i have a g27 and it dosent work on .4. i got the map by mark and it dosent work. for on the gas and break make the stearing wheel turn (and this is gas and break on key board) i dont get it i would like if the stuff like shifter and gas peddles and wheels work. can anyone pleas help
  9. i got a g27 and i would like for it to work on .4 and .39 i got marks map but its super scrwey and wont work. i got the peddles and wheel so if anyone has a map for it can you send it for me?
  10. all you did was small changes to the paint
  11. dude i told you this on skype its just the 2015 one
  12. well i thank it would look better on Kane's chassis but it looks pretty good on a willmen
  13. dude love the truck it looks great run good as well i rate a 10 outta 10
  14. it dosent look that bad it looks really good so far just keep working on it
  15. you do know that this was made a long time ago just make a new one
  16. this was made for me and once more not to be realaed but i thank it looks good http://imgur.com/khkDuu5
  17. ... dude its not giving me that folder
  18. ok but where is my skelton btw sorry if im late to respond because i have been a little busy with other ror things
  19. i driving in a tour that runs .38 but i use .4 and it dose work but barley and of the tracks run for .4 and i need some help with track converting im going to have to miss todays event becuase of this problem and i need some one to help me convert. i have tride but i always mess up come some one help me out
  20. ok i ment .39 sorry lol and im seeing whats messed up and i have tride fixing it but its just really confusing and carkiller just message me and said he would help
  21. i keed getting errors for my nea truck in ror .38 and its like that for others. i tride carkillers toutorel but i got super confused and i cant figure anything out can some one help
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