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Doomed User

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Everything posted by Doomed User

  1. [removed] All I need to do is add some new tires and the flag, then I'll be able to start cloning!
  2. I'm doing a chrome job and don't know how to add a chrome spec/shine map. It's probably the easiest thing to do and I'm just stupid, but I'm lost and there's no real directions on how to do it. And I mean like adding it to the truck, not making it in a program.
  3. Okay, so part one of the surprise is now being unveiled! I did say that it could or couldn't be the green ghost, but remember that the surprise isn't over yet. I also did say it was run on 20's chassis. HERE YALL'S GO! All I gotta do is add a spec map which I'm not sure on how to do. I'll get back to you on that.
  4. Okay, QUICK QUESTION: Do you think that for my secrety secret I should use the ripped Grave Digger body from the 07 game? Or use a different body?
  5. Snake maybe? Oh and if anything bad happens to us down in Murica I might have to come move in with you
  6. OgreMeshTool isn't in there. The plugins for conversions are.
  7. Uninstall blender, Ogre extensions, and python. (if you have mesh tool keep it). Restart your computer, come on here, download Blender 2.49b from the Software thing, follow the instructions, and then download Python 2.6 EDIT Thinking of the plugins, nevermind
  8. Edy... you're gonna kill my computer... I'mma have to have a pet funeral for it... This is pure GOLD! I can't even begin to say how cool this track is. 10/10 and it's not even released yet
  9. The XML converter converts .mesh.xml files into .mesh files to be used with OgreMeshTool. It is compatible with Windows 10 because I'm running 10 and can use it just fine.
  10. It was just a joke. And why the double post tho
  11. Eh I'm sure most non-content creating people don't. Not saying you're not a content creator but I'm sure people who don't make content wouldn't bother to have this essential. And by the way, the body for the chassis is gonna come from the 07 game rip like Blacksmith's did (Alan's).
  12. I did put it up for download on the site like last week or so. I found it on Google after searching for forever. Guess my file isn't approved yet. ;-; liek if u cri evrytem
  13. Gonna need one m8, don't wanna end up getting kicked out of leagues like tyrannos LMAOOO
  14. The chassis has been completed. I have to say it looks alright. If I was to do the green ghost @rockgod24 it would be a real challenge to get the graphics, because no offense to @worldfinals but those graphics are kinda outdated (2012, I mean, ya gotta admit. Still looks cool tho.), so I'd be stuck trying to cut it out of a side view pic or draw it in an image manip. program. But for now, here's the chassis. (maybe I'll get as many upvotes on this as fast as I did on Imgur) Friggin people on Imgur gave me a rep of like -50 because I was uploading a bunch of images to the community and it wasn't their taste. This pic got like 20 in like 15 minutes tho.
  15. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But you gave me a good idea. I'm not good with chassis but I'm gonna take a random guess and say Metal Mulisha, Wild Flower, or Pirate's Curse.
  16. Yeah, I'm definitely not all that spectacular in that. I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything. I'll look into it.
  17. That doesn't really help my case, but thanks.
  18. Get rid of the [ img ] and [ / img ] things.
  19. Go into the quote, put the cursor after the last piece of text, and use the right arrow to move the cursor to in front of the pic. Backspace. Anyway, gotta love the secrety secrets. You guys can guess, but all I'm gonna say is that it was run on the Grave Digger 20 chassis. "TO THY LEGION CRY THOU SHALL ARISE OF FLAMES AND THUNDER TO CLAIM THY PRIZE"
  20. You do realize both of your last posts included pics right?
  21. Use image hosting sites like Imgur and copy the forum pic address. Then click insert into post in the text box on Sim Monsters and paste the link.
  22. What do you mean by that?
  23. I'll run some tests on my PC. If you are running anything below I'd upgrade because is much cleaner in all aspects. If I get a drop too then I'll see what I can do,
  24. If thats the case his PC must be an MS-DOS.
  25. Use @iZonarYT's cloning guide. It works for everything.
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