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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. gotta go with a Ram pun like Rampant or Rambler
  2. massive MTM vibe from that track.
  3. You have to look at the age group that monster trucks actually cater to, the one thing remaining constant is that those established people have gotten older, people have jobs, girlfriends, college, etc. Real life eventually takes over and peoples free time for this game dwindles. The only way to maintain any progress forward is to have new blood added. Funny thing is if people had their way right from the start, Johan, Mark C, Eddy, etc would still be banned from the site, so before going all "build a wall keep them out!" maybe reflect and bit and humble ourselves just a touch, ya?
  4. Funny thing is that I never get harassed about releasing stuff, though I release my stuff for everyone to use however they like, within reasonable time frames and rarely post photos in SYP to indicate what I am working on or to get dem upvotes. But who I am kidding, like anyone cares about chassis's. Nobody is under obligation to release what they post nor do they have to respond to others inquiring about their content. This issue is only as large as you people make it to be, so no there will never be a password protected SYP thread. Look how well our locked V3/4 pack forum section did, we had people attempting to scam site accounts, AIM accounts, skype accounts, emails, etc just to get whatever they could. Funny however that some of us forget being young conniving poo heads on the internet but maybe that is just me.
  5. Hey RockCrwlr when is your SUD beta gonna be updated :>
  6. Spoken like a person who has never made a piece of original content
  7. except that everything for blacksmith is incorrect...
  8. get something more then a Pentium 4
  9. first two pictures are of the stunt truck, it is shorter then the normal meents chassis.
  10. Another new chassis rolling out for feld, purple planetary cover probably gives away who it's going to
  11. No I will be doing that for my season recap thread.
  12. you tried this aswell? http://www.mediafire.com/download/ve5782aiact7qa3/RoR-0.37.126-Setup.exe
  13. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15VyauKxFInyz0pnEdCm7SskRiVyXaNYcl94KfySRl-A/edit#gid=1976945004 Season 3 end budget Starting Budget:$624,445End Budget:$639,650
  14. SMRA Season 3 World Finals: All trucks receive $6,000 booking pay for attending the World Finals as travel cost is based from your shop locations and not from the last event you participated in! Racing: Wonder Wagon $3,000 Snap On Torque $2,500 Dragon $2,500 (due to event director messing up the racing brackets, Dragon receives runner up pay) Tuff Luck $2,000 Strength and Honor $1,500 The Bootlegger $1,500 Bottoms Up $1,500 Monster Energy Pro 4 $1,500 Wreckless Intent $1,000 Kontrol Freek $1,000 Night Rider $1,000 Punisher $1,000 Screamin Evil $1,000 Canadian Crippler $1,000 Tip'D $1,000 Red Bull Steel Phantom $1,000 Freestyle: Empire $3,000 Dragon $2,500 Snap On Torque $2,000 The Bootlegger $1,500 Tuff Luck $1,500 Kontrol Freek $1,000 Night Rider $1,000 Screamin Evil $1,000 Canadian Crippler $900 Wreckless Intent $900 Strength and Honor $800 Monster Energy Pro 4 $700 Wonder Wagon $600 Punisher $500 Bottoms Up $400 Damages: The Bootlegger, x2 soft rolls and 1 hard roll -$11,000 Empire, 1 violent roll -$6,000 Bottoms Up, 1 violent roll -$6,000 Dragon, 1 hard roll -$8,000 Screamin Evil, 1 hard roll -$5,000 Wonder Wagon, 1 medium roll -$4,000 Punisher, 1 medium roll -$4,000 Night Rider, x2 soft rolls -$6,000 Strength and Honor, wall hit -$4,000 Kontrol Freek, 1 soft roll -$3,000 Monster Energy Pro 4, 1 soft roll -$3,000 Canadian Crippler, 1 soft roll -$3,000 Snap On Torque, 1 soft roll -$3,000
  15. Make a wish or other charity groups such as that sure, regular fans? That would be hell.
  16. you have to ctrl + a, scale and rotation to object data after centering the model
  17. Thanks to everyone to who showed up today, we might not have had a full field but the event was still a good one start to finish! Congrats to our SMRA Season 3 World Finals racing champion Andrew Wamsley in Wonder Wagon and freestyle champion Juilo Vellon Jr in Empire 4.0! Will post a full event recap tomorrow!
  18. They do not want events over saturated with backflips, they limit the amount so its not just 10-12 trucks backflipping at every event. Ontop of that you also have to adhere to safety requirements to be able to do a backflip, not just the trucks but the drivers aswell. As for team Bigfoot, they send their booking info out at the start of each year, FELD chooses who they want or do not want for their shows.
  19. If anyone that did not get an earned invite to the world finals would like to participate as a fill in, please let me know on here!
  20. Sim Monsters never had a public server for people almost every league on here uses a privately hosted server for their events
  21. Mark Colineri and Blair Lockhart will be bowing out due to work. Gonna need fill ins!
  22. Since you cannot receive messages, stop uploading your files directly onto the site!

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