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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Not even a contest, Ecowork tires were light years ahead of all every tire offered past and present. They were forced to shave and cut lugs because the traction was just too much (sidewall lugs actually caught the lower 4 links on full steering lock).
  2. CCleaner or Malwarebytes, scan your computer for malware and viruses.
  3. What triggered people was the assumption that change is just as easy as making the thread. You do realize that 4.5 was considered to be one of the most unstable multiplayer versions of ROR? Just because something is new does not necessarily mean it is better, so ya when threads like that popped up and were always by (no offence to you) people that no clue on what the change to newer versions would do for content or running events because they did neither of them. As someone who has been around since this site has existed, there was hope that BeamNG would be alot better then it was when it was released so the prospect of continuing on in ROR seemed pointless and at the time most of the updates of ROR were not great either. But from the inside looking out (and vice versa), things always looks greener on the other side...
  4. Gonna need some better photos to confirm that but it does look like it could be shorter, the engine appears to be moved back towards the centre of the chassis aswell.
  5. open the truck file you saved your changes to, copy the Nodes line 0-128 and paste that over the truck file you are using for the truck (I recommend using a throw away truck file or a duplicate just to be safe). The truck file importer/exporter for Blender in finicky as I am sure you have found out.
  6. I swear some of you guys auto trigger any chance you get...
  7. apology for poor Americanwhen were you when SSRS dies?i was sat at Denny's eating hefty smash when Mackey ring‘SSRS is kill’‘no’
  8. pretty much confirms a VW Van body, unless there is some other body that looks like it that I am forgetting about.
  9. To be honest I was completely unaware it has been 20 years already for Jim. I am excited to see what he can do with a low slung chassis, if they can sort it out quickly and he can adapt, there is potential to do big damage for first Q.
  10. Here is his explanation that was made public on Mayhem, but basically yes it was. http://www.monstermayhem.org/forums/showthread.php?148612-Bigfoot-Driver&highlight=kyle+doyle
  11. 11 was retired in 2015 after it's crash in Springfield. 23 years of service, to give you a comparison, FELD has been retiring chassis's that are only a third of that age.
  12. And that was during the 90s! I have heard a few accounts from former Bigfoot drivers that got to drive the 11,14 and 15 within the past 5-6 years. The sport is rough and tough on all drivers but when the tool you are given to use to do your job is old or outdated, it is not fun.
  13. If you need me I will be at my safe space with a sippy cup of cruelty free, sensually squeezed apple drink.
  14. Once the sport shifted away from legitimate racing (where how you did determined your payout), the R&D they put into the trucks was a moot point. Don't get me wrong, the inhouse trucks (8-16) were good but they were born and bred for racing. Sure you could freestyle in them but they kicked the crap out of their drivers.
  15. I have thought about this quite a bit being a 'foot fan since the 90s. I would like to think they would around the 2xtreme Racing (Jimmy Creten) threshold, contenders but not necessarily winning everything. Would have loved to have seen Runte take a stab at Vegas before he retired. Swim, "Vinny" and Schnell would be solid stadium contenders, I think they would do okay in arenas but with how those shows have ramped up over the past year, I do not think they are that "footloose" with the stoppies and "skidmarks". One can dream about seeing them running FELD shows again...
  16. Is that by chance the PEI that Creten got from Rod Wood? I remember Trent posted photos of one on Facebook that was getting heavily redone.
  17. you did not do anything wrong, if you would have made a new request they still would have bitched.
  18. not like this is a popular section of the forums, I am more impressed they find posts this old to be honest lol
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