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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. The thing is though is that I cannot view the page regardless if I am signed into my facebook or not, the page is blocked for me (IP masking does not change that either). It is whatever though, I am still gonna make it regardless
  2. no I have never been able to view it, Chad has had to send me pictures of the trucks build up.
  3. I would love to know what I did to deserve being blocked on the VMI page ...
  4. Been slowly working on that, sorry things away from the computer have had me busy
  5. Me too, wouldn't that mean more that someone stopped to comment vs clicking a button and continuing to scroll? Further more you know you are beyond talented in 3D modelling, so why is the justification needed?
  6. what we have in ROR might not replicate it but the new Barbarian handles completely different from the old chassis.
  7. dont know if this will help, extremely old now
  8. was hoping i forgot how to do this but evidently no.
  9. how is anyone supposed to be able to figure out what is going on in that photo Charlie lol. Dan Radoni has a new scheme in the works
  10. The gated shifter does not work too well, I know Mark had issues with his on 4.0 (I just use buttons above on the plus pad)
  11. they have flat faces due to being 8 vert cylinders (the lowest vert count I could use without causing them is distort once smooth). You have to set them smooth with a 60 degree edge split to keep the 4 link tabs and shock mounts looking like flat plate. I leave them like that to help visual lineup cylinders inside other cylinders without overlap.
  12. I get a Storm Warning vibe from this scheme http://monsterphoto.iwarp.com/strwarn.htm
  13. Outlawed

    Santiago de Chile

    As much as I love the full detail stadiums, it would be nice to see some more simplistic layouts like this.
  14. Outlawed


    I reverted your name back to what it was before.
  15. coil distorting is because of the forset nodes for the coils
  16. yep, it changes the shift time and how quickly the vehicle reacts to throttle after shifting
  17. truck file, replace this line engoption 1, c, 5000.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
  18. old eradicator has popped up and I believe this is the old backdraft PEI
  19. Uh I do not remember the username off the top of my head but he was also making Lil Miss Dangerous (Concussion version) but I do not think he is apart of the site anymore...
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