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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Lets try to keep this thread moving in a civil direction, you are allowed to speak your minds here so long as it does not become a personal sheet storm.
  2. 1. He was selling his truck minus name and booking rights, people that are getting out of the sport do not keep anything so that was an poor assumption. 2. Not really, one small MJ arena show is hardly anything to get "hyped" for seeing as he has shown he can drive based on other promoters he has ran for. It is not like he is going to magically end up in vegas in the YGS or anything. 3. K 4. Jester has posted on their facebook a few weeks back that they bought BKT tires, it was pretty obvious they were returning seeing as MJ is forcing independent teams to buy tires if they want a full 1st quarter. 5. Typo, Jr's truck is Hooligan, Sr's is Terminator. Also the Mutt body change has been rumoured for almost 3 years now, they want to get away from the extremely closed cab's for the chop top merc bodies and have a larger stable of regular truck style cabs so they can rebody chassis's with no fitment issues.
  3. Ya BJ's trophy truck is pretty sick, that MT looks like crap though.
  4. Am I missing something here because you guys are arguing like FELD redid the logo entirely when the Monster Jam logo has always been a triangle with "Monster Jam" layered ontop with only refinements to freshen it up over the years...
  5. Last post is April 18th 2011 and has a negative rep? Yep you have been gone for a few years haha. This is how my ROR folder is laid out and I have rarely any issues with it: Download V4 and then unzip it here I generally add any important items like tires, sound scripts or popular trucks to that folder above since it is basically the base directory that ROR defaults to in order to find meshes and textures for trucks. Standalone trucks stay zipped and go here for me Tracks go zipped into terrains. Welcome back!
  6. Context of the original article (which was written in 2013) pertained to an disgruntled ex member on here that was directed to a previous admin and moderator (as someone who was minor staff at that time I got to witness all of it first hand). Anyone that knew or dealt with Oggy, he was an interesting character though had a pretty nasty habit of inserting his foot into his mouth. As for the accuracy of the copy pasta'd article, if things were still the way they were, there would be a helluva lot more members banned. be no member run leagues, content would be handed around and never uploaded. None of those things listed are unique to this site, check out other racing communities. Different games but the same core issues, you cannot control what people do, say or act. Is Sim Monsters perfect? No, but where we are now vs where we were headed cannot be discredited.
  7. Outlawed


    Wrong forum to post this.
  8. wow, wow, wow, wow, slow down...... THERE IS A TRUCK CALLED ZOMBIE HUNTER?!
  9. He is supposed to be getting a new chassis but nothing in terms of spy shots have concluded that... Yet
  10. Been drifting back into pop punk...
  11. Current build, would like to build up another tower at some point when the Canadian dollar is not complete sheet. CPU: Intel i5 2500k @ 3.4GHz (cause my mobo refuses to let me OC past 3.4) Mobo: ASUS P8H67-M PRO/CSM (complete sheet) Ram: G. Skill DDR3 1333MHz (not in dual channel cause my mobo is sheet and refuses to boot up if I do) Coolers: 1 140mm Antec fan, 1 120mm Antex fan and 3 120mm BitFenix fans GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (was planning on going SLI but mobo does not support it) SSD: LOL I wish HDD: 500GB Samsung and 250GB from my old Dell PSU: Cool Masters GX 750w Case: Antec Three Hundred Monitor: Asus VS Series VS247H-P and shitty Dell secondary Keyboard: Corsair Gaming K70 Mouse: 2013 Razer Deathadder with Razer Vespula mousepad for general use and Goliathus Control Large for gaming Headset: Logitech G430
  12. Good enough for me, as for the member title I believe it is related to either your post count or the age of your forum account on here before your allowed to change or edit it. Cannot remember which one off the top of my head.
  13. It starts with slipping me a 20
  14. I have been called alot of things in my time on here but suckface is a new one. Enthusiasm is fine but please realize that there are quite a few members on here that are in the Monster Truck Industry or have really close ties to people that are. Just ease up on the gas pedal, look around and read a bit. Alot of this stuff has been covered already by people that are in the "know'.
  15. I assume you are using a HDMI cord then?
  16. What are you using for sound (speakers/headset) I used to have trouble hearing some of the add on sound scripts because alot of them are set to come through a centre speaker of a surround sound system.
  17. Care to elaborate on who Backwards Bob driver is "obvious"? Pablo always seems to have someone new each year running the secondary truck in his hauler so... And incase people have not caught on, FELD has added alot of new trucks to their roster and that means there is going to be alot of new people driving for them.
  18. Outlawed


    Almost everything on here is made for ROR 37, a few things for 38 and nothing for 4.5.1
  19. Na the bowtie has been on almost every single inhouse chassis since Adam's original Taz (which is what Carroll measured when he came up with his chassis). The biggest difference between the two for the bowtie is inhouse are tighter in terms of the gap between the main rail/secondary rail and being welded to those rails rather then being bolted on (there is a smaller piece of tubing that is inserted into the area of where they join up to center them and I suppose strengthen it). Would have to ask around as to why they are no longer adding them to the newest inhouse chassis's though. The original one that was spotted was Duhon's new piece but I assumed that it was left off to clear the zombies lower jaw since it moves (I know Bari's CRD had the bowtie off for a little while at the start of last year aswell). And I would rather have a COD themed truck then a Sonic or some other god aweful video game character...
  20. Also it would appear that Paul Breaud (owns Instigator and the newest Backdraft) has bought Eradicator and the old PEI Backdraft
  21. Every inhouse chassis that is a Digger (Legend, SUD, etc) have that chassis tag NCGD.
  22. We had a few different ideas of integrating community work into the main truck pack. But the there are multiple layers to why we chose not to. The biggest one being that while the V4 stuff is by no means ultra detail, it's intention was being a platform for everyone. Could the trucks be more detailed? Of course. But be honest with yourself, when you first downloaded and tried the stuff on here, would you have stuck around knowing that you could not use any of it because of mediocre PC? Someone viewed it as worthwhile even if it meant excluding a future active community member/s. The next thing is who would be judge/jury/executioner on deciding on who's content was "good" enough to use or integrate into the truck pack. You can already see the drama from more then one person working on the same truck or track. I personally would not feel comfortable in deciding. The thing is that by having it the way we do, people have more choices and can decide what they want to download. It might not be a perfect system but it is the most accessible for everyone on here, even if it means sifting through a few pages of downloads.
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