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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Honestly I preferred zombie hunter before it got all call of duty upped.
  2. God forbid not everyone is up to date with what idiotic thing is viral on the internet, now while it is wonderful that people are more then eager to share their opinion on a member, he is atleast staying on topic (albeit several pages behind). Lets keep this thread moving along, thanks.
  3. http://sourceforge.net/projects/rigsofrods/files/rigsofrods/0.37/ Try the exe there and see if that works (you can download the content pack but it is not necessary.
  4. Things have been pretty crazy for the machine shop in the past year. To say it was pretty rough for the team would be polite, starting with owner Dan Agosh getting to do the Monster Truck thing in real life and Robbie Milburn going MIA. Team drivers Tyler May and Jon Cannon were left to soldier on, with no idea what the future held for them or the team. But in a stranger turn of events, a fellow competitor stepped into the picture to help. After the conclusion of season 2, I was looking to start a "sister" team of Can Am Racing in the west. The Canadian tour proved to be alot of fun but due to insane travel distances, halving the team to have one portion on the east and the west made sense. My original plan was add Matt Wilkinson as apart of the team, hire Cannon to drive and look for another person for my fourth truck. In speaking with Cannon I came to realize the issues the machine shop was going through. After talking with Dano we came to the agreement that I would carry on the machine shop banner into 2016! For the most part the original team has not been changed, Tyler and Robbie will back in their respective trucks, Dano will have his truck but due to his life outside the computer screen, he will run when he can and Cannon will be driving the rebodied Overkill Evolution I was originally going to have him in. We also have two new members joining us, the first being Matt Wilkinson and the second being TeeJay McDowell. Matt will be running 2016 in his new truck, Bootlegger and TeeJay will be running a rebodied Monster Mallard. All three new trucks will be shown off once they are done but they will all be unique and will be running bodies that nobody else has. Lastly I will be resuming my driving role in Canadian Crippler for 2016. Touring pairs for 2016 are as follows Tyler May in Snap On Torque and Robbie Milburn in Red Bull Phantom Jon Cannon in Can Am X-Team and TeeJay McDowell in ??? Nicholas Kozak in Canadian Crippler and Matt Wilkinson in Bootlegger Dan Agosh in Metal Gear With 2016 gearing up to be one of the most competitive in SMRA's history, The Machine Shop is hoping to recapture being a front runner!
  5. Did you download 37.117 or 37.126 from on here?
  6. Morgan gets the short end of the straw again moving to a new team but getting the most beat up truck of the bunch.
  7. Do not be surprised once you release your trucks and tracks if someone runs a league using them. Seriously, it might be fictional but it looks like it would be a blast! Oh, and the Rummel/Kohler Spike/Rage replacement chassis is done
  8. Well when they throw a colour on like they took the skin into MS paint and used the paint bucket tool I can see where your coming from. I dunno if I would do black, people would just claim it is a El Toro rip off. Colton'd Max-D will be gold
  9. Actually the render is pretty close to how Neil's truck looked in Vegas, yellow/gold is meh. Atleast they are individualizing them though. Humanizes the trucks more and people will use the drivers name rather then the just the trucks (El Toro's are case in point)
  10. Renders are just that, renders. All of the other FELD trucks have been shown on Cohens but quite a few of them will be on CRD's....
  11. You need to get a old school 2 stroke Detroit diesel model inbetween those framerails!
  12. Driver Name:Nicholas Kozak AIM Screen Name:OutlawedRacing Divisions Competing (Modern, Classic, Both): Modern (for now) Modern Racing Truck:Canadian Crippler Modern Racing Truck Direct Download Link: (waiting to hear what is or not allowed before I link) Modern Freestyle Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8FxwSGNBZA Classic Racing Truck: TBD Classic Racing Truck Direct Download Link: Frame Rate Hardships (Yes or No): No Connection Hardships (Yes or No): Pending Other Information: I am Canadian Last Modified: December 6th 2015
  13. What is considered illegal for truck mods? Are we limited to a untouched Box5 node/beam? (that is what is used for V4)
  14. So while I wait to see/hear what FELD chassis's are being kept or retired I decided to be stupid and redo my Cohen's again (not redoing any old/retired stuff though). More less a waiting game for 1st quarter now for FELD stuff. Which means I have plenty of time to start on indy teams. Started the new Team Scream chassis, Flame Motorsports variations (Obessed and King Krunch) and Short Iron.
  15. Kate Perry was mediocre, those sharks is what made the halftime show last year.
  16. Ya apparently the site decided to remove my ability to access the site from too many failed attempts at logging into the admin panel. Total ironing right? Your forum section is up! http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/forum/94-pprl/
  17. The sharp pointy teeth do not scream aggressive? Personally the dalmatian scheme on the rotty body does not look good at all, I understand the reason they changed from the chop top merc body but considering that Candice and Cynthia are supposed to cater to younger girls, this kind of overshot the mark.
  18. from the sounds of it the mapping to joystick axis went wonky. Have you tried using the xbox360 mapping on here as a base and remap the other buttons to your liking?
  19. If you cannot grasp why those things have changed then your not going to understand the reasoning as to why they were done. Personally I stopped watching MJ on TV because it was always reruns and if they were new episodes , they were always a year behind when the actual events happened so now thanks to the internet, you have already watched most of the events on youtube usually the night of the event or the following day.
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