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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Again, if the Metal Mulisha truck was getting handed down it would be to the scrapbin, there are two main issues with the theory regardless, Metal Mulisha is a gen 1 CRD, as such the plate brace between the rear upper and bottom 4 link tabs have a small cut out (example picture shown). Mark's ETL is a solid piece meaning it is a gen 2 CRD. The last thing that tells me they are not the same is the fact that Metal Mulisha has a third set of roof supports (like in the picture below) while again, Mark's ETL does not.
  2. The default node beam and truck file we have been using since this site has originated is based on the work of Box5. His base structure works and as I have stated, it could be cleaned up and made even better. Either way at minimum you would be looking at unique node/beam layouts as per real life counter parts, accurate suspension geometry, swaybars that work correctly and alot of minor tweaks/changes that newer builds brought (engine settings, meshwheels, etc). Difference of opinion but the trucks in their current state are geared for Sam Boyd Stadium (70mph +) and are unrealisitic when you can watch people clear 2/3rds of a stadium floor. The TL:DR of why the mod here did not advance as quickly as it should have was right from the get go, the online racing dictated that the truck stay spec handling to be provide the best racing possible. It was not until a recent league on here allowed truck file changes and personalized tuning that people even started to tinker. But how to do you convince someone to make a truck realistic as possible when means you are going to be slower then the kid running a stock truck? Like I stated earlier, I started on a base truck file with the intent to move to a newer ROR build or atleast spark interest in it. Just has not gone according to plan nor at the speed I would have liked. As for a separate download section for different versions, that is not a worry.
  3. What is your price range? Most of the people on here use Logitech wheels but most of them are no longer made.
  4. Outlawed

    .39 link

  5. If we are going to continue on the path of generalization, how come you have not tried to help then?
  6. Learn* TJ if I stopped and personally helped every single person on here over the past 8 years (even if they did not ask for it), I would still be glued to my computer desk. I do not know exactly what else you expect members on here to do for people asking for stuff in 4.5, we do not use it currently for content nor competition, meaning that the majority of creators on here have maybe dabbled in 4.5 but do not to make stuff for it. People who have tried (Like Aaron) have posted information pertaining to what you would need to know/learn to do so.
  7. I have personally asked for people to piss off? May I see where I indicated this?
  8. 39.5 has online, plenty of servers. Use it mostly for 4x4/rock crawling. No matter what version you "upgrade" to there are drawbacks before you factor in truck and tracks. Admittingly the influx of 4.5 talk and requests has atleast brought to light both sides of the fence on the subject. Being honest, my first endeavour into content creating was for MTM2, only reason I even bothered learning how to do stuff was because nobody did it for me and nobody took my requests. So it is a bit annoying to have someone ask for something and make zero effort to want to learn how. I will atleast give Eric some respect in atleast showing some interest in learning how to convert tracks. That is how this whole content creating thing starts, change a texture or a simple mesh. I have been a crap modeller for almost 10 years now, still cannot texture worth a damn and beyond replicating things, lack the imagination to put what is in my head into substance but everyone starts somewhere. The old cliche rings true: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"
  9. They had BKT's last year so not entirely sure what the dealio is there. As for the driveshaft blankets, I would rather have the piece of mind know the entire driveline wrapped in a kevlar blanket (that was made with the intent of it being removed and installed quickly with no issues). Your going to tell me that techs can spot a safety loop failing from the stands on a truck? Most of the time they spot a driveshaft failure it is because the truck loses power to the front or rear or there are sparks from it. Having it hidden behind a blanket might make it a guessing game if the lost of power was from internal components of the axle or the driveshaft but I could live with them shutting trucks off in that case regardless. With the delay in RII's for trucks that have rolled over trying to "recover" back onto all fours they were allowing last year, you cannot tell me that having the undercarriage of a truck pointing at you with the driver buried in the throttle is a comfortable feeling.
  10. If that chassis goes anywhere it will be to the recycling bin, it has had a hard life. I also came across some more images of Mark's ETL and it is a gen 2 CRD so it is either brand new or was a 1-2 year old hand me down. Honestly there was not much interest in it since FELD just wanted to sweep the whole Tacoma incident under the rug and move on from it. Kind of like Ryan injury during the WF XIII and their fix being to add two more roof to main rail supports. They do their changes discreetly. Another angle of Basl's NEA, surprise no one has said anything but them running ukraine tires.
  11. Out of 8 posts you have made 6 have pertained to making tracks for ROR 4.5, atleast try to make an effort to get acquainted on here...
  12. you have to go into edit mode and reapply the texture to the mesh for it to show up.
  13. Well it is a CRD, Lupe's chassis was retired this year so there is no way Mark got it.
  14. Do you seriously even read or are you just interested in firing as much opinionated political dribble like someone is going to read what you put down and be like "oh wow he is right this changes everything". You getting last word on a discussion does not make you the victor nor does it mean what you say has more importance. You want to know why your country and this world is going to shit? Guess what? Your part of the reason.
  15. This site being born I guess was pretty neat.
  16. Wait I thought decedents were like a no name chocolate chip cookies or something...
  17. incase anyone did not catch the small mural on Wild Thang
  18. Because FELD's idea of fixing that was beefing up the driveshaft loops.
  19. -Except that nobody has made proper breakables through out the existence of monster trucks being in ROR, more realistic breakables is fine and dandy but actually trying to make one work even remotely correctly is another story. There is a reason why there has not been a mainstream released version that everyone uses, I have (with the help of another member) been working on a completely scratch built breakable monster truck for over a year now and it is no where near being usable. -Adjustable sky settings seems to be a grasp at straws but I am indifferent so you can have that. -The debug feature is nice but I would rather have a proper ingame editor that renders in real time your mods so you know it will work correctly and be aligned from the get go rather then exporting from blender, punching some numbers/text into a truck file, opening ROR to check and repeating the process until you get it right.
  20. I suppose you missed the part in the site rules about single member accounts huh? Since you clearly know what you are talking about please enlighten us on these "pros" (and no the trucks do not work fine, they import most of the meshes and textures but the actual structure in the truck file is not since they added alot of new things).
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