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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Never was much of a fan of the Equalizer but you cannot deny that the Vater's camp did an amazing job restoring it. Also another interesting sight at the Museum.
  2. cause of shit internet I have not really posted much about what I have been working over the past few months but here are a few things.
  3. no worries glad you got it figured out, cheers!
  4. Is V4 still zipped or unzipped? If it is zipped maybe try extracting (unzip) V4 into packs or vehicles and see if the error goes away.
  5. Nope that sounds about right for Meents XD
  6. BJ is getting a new chassis but as of right now, the truck he used in Puerto Rico might be going to someone else.
  7. By doing that the trucks will ride on the frame rails once you enter them, I would imagine you could use the other settings to alter it back to proper weighted ride height but have never done it so I cannot comment on how wacky the spring and damping would be.
  8. I am a shitty driver but it is not overly difficult to get the hang of how the trucks handle, what I am saying (and you can visually see it with the amount of body roll the trucks have turning) is the need for proper swaybars in the N/B are needed. We never had to deal with the issue before because the trucks originally had next to no suspension travel so it was not as pronounced as it is with these trucks. My modified N/B changes that are on Madusa and Northern Nightmare have the upper 4 links acting like a swaybar, it does not do it's job correctly because even those have body roll. Most MT's (that do not use coilovers or coilover/standard shock setup) are completely undriveable if they damage the swaybar system. Trucks spawn in unweighted at full suspension travel (I think this was fixed for 4.5), it just looks exaggerated because there is alot of suspension travel (in comparison to other ROR vehicles)
  9. These are opinions so do not take them for fact, What I like: -Trucks do not stall in second gear, brakes held and with the rear steer toggled -Tires no longer act like another set of shocks -Suspension setups are very good What needs improvement: -Trucks hike up way too easy (proper swaybar node beam needed) -Trucks turned in far too aggressively (traction feels too high) -Tires sidewalls flex too much (spin a doughnut, looks like they are peeling from the rim. need to be made stiffer) -Power delivery seems to be a bit too good, minor tweaking needed but the base is good. -Not your fault here but I did have multiple instances where Max-D exploded and respawned What I would like to see moving forward: I think it would be advantagious if you are going to stick with box5's n/b for this to remove (or if need be ask someone who does) the secondary node beam structure for the body that overlays the chassis node beam and possibly the flag flexbody. A proper swaybar N/B would cure the rather exaggerated hike ups the trucks have as trying to tune the traction settings in would be pointless until that is rectified. I know there will be people will disagree with it but with almost all of the trucks (minus max-d) are low CG chassis's they should not be getting upset that easy by being tossed hard into a turn (and no I do not mean at top speed).
  10. You probably wanted this version as it is the installation exe http://www.mediafire.com/download/ve5782aiact7qa3/RoR-0.37.126-Setup.exe
  11. Some food for thought, could be nothing, could be something. Note the writing on the ME cradle, -92. If that is indeed the chassis number, the previous guesses of what C-92 could be completely wrong.
  12. Are we still talking about 4.5 or 37? Because 4.5 uses terrain2 not terrain like the older versions of ROR. All of the trucks and tracks on here are made for 37. Your error says that your missing BlackSwaybarlink.mesh, are you sure that V4 downloaded entirely?
  13. The obvious was made obvious today. https://youtu.be/IZhv0NaPI5A Cole also confirmed that Adam's chassis was repowdercoated green, 31 and 32 are for Morgan and Cole with my guess being that GD24/25 will be or have been retired.
  14. Outlawed

    Free Agent

    You were driving for Dano's team Robbie correct? I am assuming the reigns of the team so if you need a team just let me know (if you are not inclined to test the waters).
  15. Already been covered that Cole is going to be driving this year.
  16. Seeing as Bryan Wright is listed for Hooked on MJ's lineups, I would not rule the possibility out.
  17. Could you check your ROR log located in my documents/Rigs of Rod/Logs/Ror.log It should list in more detail any issues.
  18. That was not because it was good though, it was just because it was new and everyone was amped to just take part. I am not trying to discredit to people that actually enjoyed that time frame regardless of their reason, just trying to add context. I do not disagree that alot of the fun was lost, I mean we have been around for what? 7-8 years now? Nobody has tried to run (atleast not to my knowledge) a completely "anything goes" league where there is no realism. The only large instance that occurred that I can recall is the mtm2 reunion race deal for FM3. Coming from mtm2 trust me when I say that the ultra realistic stuff was not as fun as going all kinds of crazy with no leash.
  19. Funny I remember when people used to bitch about FELD over using the F-150 body years ago...
  20. Locked due to redundancy. If you are going to show no effort in reading other posts, it will be time to start pruning your posts more constantly.
  21. Marcus Santana is no longer a suspended driver.
  22. I would like to raise my hand in rebuttal here, BeamNG is still a far distance off from being a reasonable platform to move over to for MT's. Yes they have made progress but the direction the dev's are moving in is not one that has MT's in major concern. Losing interest is fine, if it was not for SMRA I would probably be as inactive as I was when we first moved from MTM2 to ROR. But as for both Tom and Stephen harking backing to the "good ole days" I flat you disagree, the original years were just as full with bullshit in the racing side of things as they appear now and to think or say otherwise is just flat out lies. I was part of the minor mod staff during that time, I got to see what went down, there is a reason I had less then 8 total events participated in over the original 2 seasons. As for the trucks not being realistic, Box5's original trucks were far from "sim" feeling and while it is true the toyko drift machines that V4 brought were not any better (which if you look at the low cg trucks of today, they all slide and rarely high side anyway). When it came around to doing new node/beams and physics for V4, there was a larger select group that did not want to change it because then all the trucks would not be equal/fair for online racing (because we all know that they are the same in real life *cough*). Sadly we wasted what should have been the most productive years on here in my opinion. That is not to say it cannot be turned around (working on that part), but it is going to take alot more work with fewer people helping.
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