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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Hold on, are you the Greeny from MTM2?
  2. well look what the ginger dragged in
  3. The 1st quarter driver was in vegas (your secondary post elaborating on it is 100% correct, Colt was the driver). Funny thing was for me all I did was look over the chassis's in Vegas and I was able to figure out that Colt's truck matched. Doomsday was on Norm Millers NEA for Vegas. Fair enough, she has had that CRD for quite a while now and it has had its share of misfortune. The Batman PEI being put out to pasture does not really surprise me, the recent trend is to have standard "truck" cages so bodies can be swapped between chassis's as need be (This shows in the newer molds they have been making, Mutt Rotty El Diabo, NEA, Doomsday, Scooby Doo, etc). Crazy to think that only leaves Blackwell and Becky on PEI chassis's (granted Alex's is a frankenstein mix) after almost 10 years.
  4. Good eye, top picture is definitely a new chassis and Madusa is probably the same one. Either way that Cohen is brand new, the bar that runs underneath the header (from the vertical bar at the front of the engine, to the cradle) has a bend in it that only Digger Legend, 29, 30, NEA and Carolina Crusher have.
  5. Madusa would have had to actually run her truck hard to warrant a new chassis, Duhon is plausible as his chassis was a refurbished PEI (Fortune's Superman). Lupe could be also due for one as his chassis was one of the first Cohen's made and he has beaten the snot out of it.
  6. though in real life the trucks are ran about as hard as a half charged walmart scooter, atleast they look cool
  7. You realize that the current truck he drives was built in 2013 and Dan keeps his stuff in better then new shape. Unless he says he is building a new one, I am skeptical.
  8. Finding that a hard prospect as he is older (FELD has been trying to faze out hiring drivers over a certain age, and no this is not BS I was told by multiple sources) and he already has a full time farming job. So it would not surprise me to see him walk away completely from the industry.
  9. I am the first to admit that my work is not entirely 100% accurate, some trucks just do not have much in terms of reference photos. There has been plenty of times I have had to go back and edit stuff that I have made (example being I have remade my CRD chassis about 7 times now) as I found or had photos sent to me. As for Digger 14, I know the main rails down was standard gen 2 PEI but the top half was all done in the Digger shop. Best photos I have come across is the truck managled from the Anderson encore as the Red Digger.
  10. Life is dynamic man, the main goal of this "separation" is to keep the long term longevity of the league at the forefront.
  11. no video because the trucks and tracks on here are not made for 39
  12. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/forum/29-fun-runs/
  13. really wish they would have put the bigfoot name right at the edge of the flames, looks stupid.
  14. David Smith has been busy with his fabrication shop, making rims and chassis's. Has hinted that they are building several new chassis's with King Krunch making a return next year. Like stated already both King Krunch (NEA) and Nitro Hornet (Mutt Rotty) were being driven by the Basl brothers for the moremonsterjam series stateside. 1. Marc appears to be taking the summer off thus far, even drivers need some time to recover after kicking their asses to put on a show for us fans. 2. Norm is a Police Chief now, I was honestly surprised to see him drive at all this first quarter 3. Groth brothers run west coast shows and are currently doing smaller promotion shows now 5. Same with the Cretens. You rarely see any indy teams running MJ shows after vegas because most of them are smaller fairground shows stateside and alot more out of country shows.
  15. For the love of god someone please make a new snakebite body for ROR
  16. That is a bummer, there was a member on here that purchased that truck from Dave Radzierez, guess that explains what was going on with it.
  17. Outlawed


    thursday for me
  18. Outlawed


    is there another mirror of the mod for download? I have a good enough connection to download it but the google drive network errors on me still
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