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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. but you owe me a 10 second car
  2. just search "Kathy Winston".
  3. No the problem stems with the fact that Dodge is already having to rummage into their shallow bucket of names with any validity (Dart, Charger, Challenger, etc) to sell otherwise crappy cars. Add in the fact is the current generation has zero idea what those names meant or the people that actually do remember, sure as hell not going to get duped into buying a shitty car for the sake of a nameplate. Automotive industry has gone the same way of music.
  4. Oh wait that is who it was?!
  5. following the yearly tradition (minus 50 pounds), credit to Julio's Dad for the photo
  6. when is this error occurring? pre install or after install?
  7. but the reservoirs enter at the bottom or the top of the shock body, not the middle. now do it again!
  8. most leagues have a semi realistic freestyle set of rules, if you did not get a RII done call at :27 seconds you would at :50. now if there were no rules you would be fine, you also seem a bit to tentative with turning the truck at speed. It comes with more practice.
  9. Last time I checked the Monster Spectacular shows were pretty good, if you think the promoter change is going to warrant a 50 times better show your in for a massive disappointment.
  10. been slacking a bit but here is another update Error Log: Double Trouble -added several new tubing sections New Chassis's Maximum Destruction Stunt Truck Grave Digger 28 War Wizard Wildflower Rockstar http://www.mediafire.com/download/m9u6173yj92eui5/Outlawed+Chassis+Pack.zip
  11. I can bet it is the tires, its a scrapyard download and your missing the mesh and material files for it in the zip
  12. Thanks guys, I know I ended up with an extra arena show over everyone else which ultimately lead to the win (No that was not intentional in terms of points, 3 of our team trucks started to having issues attending shows and in an attempt to keep our profit as high as possible, it kind of just happened). With that said, I still suck at racing (I am pretty sure I only won 2 or 3 arena races all year) but I was happy with my consistent freestyle showings and was the reason I ended up doing as well as I did. Switching gears for a second, I would like to extend my thanks to everyone that has helped with this league. From Agosh for putting this whole deal on to the event directors/judges/officials and competitors. There is a reason I made a concerted effort to make all of my events, be a fill in or just help with running the event, this has honestly been some of the most enjoyable racing I have been involved in for a very long time. I really hope there is a season 2 and if there is Dano, I pre-extend and offer of being an event director!
  13. Name:Kozak AIM:TheScriptIsReal Custom Truck: Canadian Crippler Link: Will put link once truck is done Custom Truck Song: Replica Truck: Madusa Link: Will put link once update is done Rank:Silver Reason: I suck ROR MTP Anaheim Racing MROR Rosemont Freestyle MROR Bloomsburg Freestyle Big Dawgs Milwaukee Racing
  14. not sure if it was for display or this is her new chassis but xdp gets some new colour
  15. besides that its entirely inaccurate for Iron Outlaw since all they did was chop the rear SUV section out of an expedition body
  16. they killed the charger the moment they brought it back
  17. Following in the footsteps of my sponge Can-Am truck, this one is gonna rustle some jimmies in SSRS
  18. Sorry about your lost, my sister has had two horses pass away to health complications. However I will be honest that 18 years old and being used in competition is pretty good.
  19. 1.Because the perception of being fast means your a good driver 2.Fair in terms everyone getting a equal chance of putting in a timed run. Some people are better at freestyling or goofing off more so then racing, so you see where having to rely on a single hail mary qualifying pass to get into an event to be a nuisance and unfair. 3.Better is a poor word to choose, I consider events that using the booking system to be more fun and unique since the majority of events have drivers that would otherwise never to get compete with each other. 4.Read #2, I also fall into this category since my racing skill level is less then average but I usually put up a 24-26 freestyle score. I shudder to think what new people think when they decide they want to try and take part, have some fun, only to realize they are like 5-8 seconds slower then more seasoned racers on here. 5.In terms of "real racing" ya qualifying is more realistic, that is the main reason it will always be there and never really go away. The double edge sword of the booking system is that people tend to blow off events more since they never earned their spot it is no skin off their back to force themselves to participate. I am a huge supporter of the booking system and always will be.
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