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Everything posted by AaronLurie

  1. It's very obvious that from Atlanta to Tampa they have drastically changed the slope of the ramps, but the track isn't the issue. I've watched videos from both shows and most of the runs end due to failure to make a proper turn or a breakage off a smaller obstacle. I think that throughout the coming weeks, the drivers will relearn how to drive their trucks and we'll actually see some action.
  2. What I suggest doing is to first check with the original track maker and make sure it's ok to reupload their track (Zach asked me before uploading all of the tracks he did). If you get the ok then just copy and paste the original credits from the original download to the reuploaded 0.4 version download. This is just to keep you out of trouble, not a big issue, just get the necessary permission and go for it.
  3. If you are referring to those strange looking vehicles in the bottom left, they have been side acts for Monster Jam previously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50-hb1UCvIc
  4. Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn
  5. You could press Alt + Tab to go back to the desktop.
  6. Aaron Lurie MJFanatic3 Monster Energy Pro 4 http://www.mediafire.com/download/yoycyypx8tqo63f/MonsterPro42016(2).zip
  7. Version (Fixed Paint)


    Track Conversation by Zach Nicholas Credits: Klayton Haylog: Alpha Splatting idea, Dirt texture, Car models and textures, Stadium textures, Stadium model, Other various textures Danny Mackey: LED Ribbon Board Texture and Help on Alpha Splatting Johan Seminario: Edited the Monster Jam logos on the tarp Me (Aaron): Track model and paint Sorry if I forgot anyone. Enjoy!
  8. It's not a huge deal, but the step up double should have a cement truck in the middle instead of those 2 white cars.
  9. Version 1.1.0


    Because there are so many parts to this track, I'm going to name off some people who contributed any part to the track. Klayton Haylog Tharindu Don Danny Mackey Aaron Lurie Devin Doss Julio Vellon Jr Mason Watts Google and many other track makers on this site. Sorry if I forgot anyone. Let me know if I forgot you and I'll add you in the reviews. Well, there you go. World Finals 16 is the first released World Finals in almost 3 years. So enjoy it!
  10. Lets just finish this argument for good. In the near future we will most likely be switching to ROR 0.38 due to the fact that all tracks work and the trucks need minor setup tweaks to make them handle how we want them to in the newer version. 0.39 is out of the question due to its many bugs including not being able to lower the hud (huge problem for recording or streaming). The online system is also screwed where if one person leaves the server, everyone in the server crashes. 0.4 is barely considered stable and is about the same story as 0.38. The trucks will need major tweaks to keep up with the advanced truck setups for 0.4 since just putting the trucks in 0.4 doesn't mean the engine settings and grip are the same as they were in 0.37. As for the terrains, I have tried as well as a few other track makers and none of us have been able to get a track working in 0.4. We are left will really just 2 options. Switch to 0.38 for minor truck tweaks and continue to make tracks the way we always have or switch to 0.4 for major truck tweaks and completely changing the way we have gotten our tracks ingame. These reasons are why we are most likely switching to 0.38 in the near future and not making the huge leap to 0.4. As a content maker for the past few years, this is my outlook on the upgrading situation. Thanks.
  11. If people aren't willing to help, than the best way to get something done is to do it yourself. http://www.rigsofrods.com/wiki/pages/0.4_Terrain_System
  12. That link contains the latest update that can still be used for group chats, anything later than that version and you won't be able to communicate in events. That does not mean that we have been using AIM since 2012. AIM has been used for over 6 years with versions earlier than that one, which means that if 2012 is outdated software, than why are people still using windows 7?
  13. It's what we've been using for 6 years because it has worked for 6 years. Stop acting like we are stupid and accept the fact that there is a program issue that we are trying to solve. Forget computer specs, forget the age of the software and focus on the problem at hand. Thanks.
  14. We don't use the latest version here because you can't join group chats. We have been using this version https://www.aim.com/legacydownloads so we can have group chats for leagues.
  15. I've got a pretty good computer that I just built and I also started having that problem yesterday, so I don't think that's the problem. I have tried reinstalling it multiple times, but there isn't any good solutions out there since nobody else still uses this program.
  16. You have HDR on, uncheck it.
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