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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" 2K17 Thread


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Ok let me chime in.

First, the trucks - The shark one is rather original and I actually like it a bit, it will be interesting to see if the do anything else to it (lights a water cannon off the front sort of like dragon?)

as for the "Dump truck" I think they need to go back to the drawing boards and get something else (maybe a raptor truck!?) this truck just seems like it was a half-baked idea plucked right from dirt crew, now if it changes to a more different design *cough* a bulldozer maybe.

second, the tracks - I could really go into depth here but I won't because they won't listen to any of the fans, but the Arena track isn't horrible but it could require something else (idk what)

the stadiums oh boy, don't they look so fresh!!! (sarcasm) can't we get some huge change here!! I kind of wanted to see it become a single backflip ramp on the backside of the racing lanes (the center ramp), I don't know I'm going to rant here so I'm done here

third,  the tour stops - can't I have something in a stadium close to me? no ok... i'll just hide in my arenas then (indy is the closest for me) I don't know it doesn't seem bad that they have went to two FS1 tours and two AmsOil tours but that's really it.

just mah two cents.

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Neither track looks all that different to me. Basically all arenas will now run the AMSOIL series track, and the stadiums are the same with the exception to the turning mounds which now have added sky wheelie opportunities. I wish they would've added the little roller at the start of the straight away like Arlington and the West Coast shows to add a bit of skill into racing... 

I will admit, modifying the points to all the competitors to require more skill and consistency to win was the best idea all season. 

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I think I've found the problem:

Monster Jam says that their Triple Threat competitions are the fastest growing in the 21st century, but I don't think that they know why. They left the system alone for two years (with the only change being more tours) and it grew, even a lot of us here began saying how creative it was. Then FELD sees the growing popularity and wants to add on, but they end up adding the wrong aspect or element and it makes the whole idea not as good.

This can be applied to any of FELD's decisions. FS1 was pretty good and the tracks were different every week in 2015, FELD sees growing popularity, and after 2015 every stadium gets the same track. 

Growing popularity of Mutt = new Mutt schemes 

Growing popularity of Zombie = new Zombie schemes 

And so on.

I think that for MJ let things grow on their own theyd have happier fan bases and people wouldn't complain and the events would get better.

Im not saying that I hate change, but sometimes things are better left unchanged.

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So what do I think?

Arena Track Layout: Love it, really like the design.

Stadium Track Layout: Eh. Basically the exact same as last year; easier for us since we can use just mirror one side of the track to the other. XD

Shark Truck: Not bad, but I hope they do something better with the name.

Dump Truck: Total rip off, but still a nice design.

Master of Disaster: Beautiful truck, absolutely gorgeous.

New Madusa design: A great look for her last season. They ripped the music and the highlights from the Tour Crushers DVD. Lmao

New Metal Mulisha: Love it. Not a huge fan, but really love the design.

New Triple Threat Tour: Pretty cool idea, but they're just asking for more Max-Ds and Diggers at the WF.

Two FS1 Tours: I love the layouts since I just found we're going to two of the Texas shows (Arlington and Maybe Houston) but might miss the WF again this year.

Gunsliner to Slinger: With all due respect, whoever made him do it can go suck it.

So that is the Irish man's crazy ass rant show.




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15 hours ago, Charlie H. said:

Wonder why... You'd think especially with as high profile as Overkill Evo and Titan are as far as indies go they'd be on the rosters too

I know nothing, I'll let someone else handle that, and Titan, who knows what Donald's doing honestly XD

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21 hours ago, Chris B said:

So many anniversaries this coming year, shall we go over the list?


Monster Jam's 25th

Grave Digger's 35th

Gunslinger's 25th

Avenger's 20th (hope they do something big for it)

Tom Meent's 20th behind the wheel


Is there anymore?


I migth be going to america for the first time ever


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