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Show Your Projects Chapter 20!


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i remember someone making a track request about this terrain, i've made it, although the house isnt crushable.

Idk, it could be on here soon. kind of a boring terrain, although its kinda fun to have.


AND also "When I got bored out of my wits"....


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Could be that I'm on a phone, but the edges around the top of the R and the tip of the steel have little bits of white edges. I suggest going over those since they look very jagged and bit photo cropped. Other than that it looks pretty good :)

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I would enlarge the name on that truck, Josh, and put it in the middle. otherwise, its a nice start.


another, fast project from me, this one I got my inspiration from Aaron L.'s Advance auto parts track... this track features every one of Klayton's cars, aswell as Coconutman's trees, and Aaron Lurie's parking lot texture. the only major lag is near the garbage truck, and the trees. If anyone likes it, I'll release it tomorrow.


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I would enlarge the name on that truck, Josh, and put it in the middle. otherwise, its a nice start.


another, fast project from me, this one I got my inspiration from Aaron L.'s Advance auto parts track... this track features every one of Klayton's cars, aswell as Coconutman's trees, and Aaron Lurie's parking lot texture. the only major lag is near the garbage truck, and the trees. If anyone likes it, I'll release it tomorrow.


Can you redo the image for walmart. The fact that there is a car and person that are larger than a monster truck is troublesome

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Here you ppl go i made a custom (bad paint) on a concussion chasiss


In Blender bodyless


In blender with body


In game with everything fixed :D First truck ever for me

Looks really nice for a first try.  Liking the simple striped paint scheme.  If you ever get a chance, try out cooltext.  Should be cooltext.com, but i'm not quite sure.  Anyhow, I make a lot of my texts on there, and I could see a few being used for your truck.


I would enlarge the name on that truck, Josh, and put it in the middle. otherwise, its a nice start.


another, fast project from me, this one I got my inspiration from Aaron L.'s Advance auto parts track... this track features every one of Klayton's cars, aswell as Coconutman's trees, and Aaron Lurie's parking lot texture. the only major lag is near the garbage truck, and the trees. If anyone likes it, I'll release it tomorrow.

Someone needs to make crush cars with real paint on them, and not just one color, so we can fill the parking lot with 'em.  Aside from the lag, that could be really fun to bash over them all at once.

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