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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" Thread 2014


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If this kid's (and if you're on Facebook, you know who it is) ideas ever come to surface, I will burn everything I have Monster Truck related in a bonfire.

Jesus Esperanza or whatever his name is has no respect for the sport of Monster Trucks

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Jesus Esperanza or whatever his name is has no respect for the sport of Monster Trucks

lol he went off on me on facebook one time because I said the idea of a wreck it ralph truck was a stupid idea haha when he recommended it ahaha

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Guys, I'm actually FELD, and I can leak that the racing layout will involve 5 truck racing in a St. Louis-Jersey-Chicago-Cross over-PENDA Drag-long Jump Time trial. Freestyle will be completely revamped to include 9 back-flip ramps and just one throw-car. All the feld trucks will be put into a car compactor as the changes take place as Bigfoot 1, The Monster Vette, Monster Mash, Taurus, USA-1, Aces High, Shotgun Harry, Michigan Ice Monster, Terminator, Rambo, Wild Hair, Mad Dog, Alien, Wild Stang, Texas Toy, and Casper Pull out onto the track to do TWO FREESTYLE COMPETITIONS!!! At this point Monster Jam as we know it will be over and officially renamed  Massive Leafers Doing Massive Back-flips.



In all seriousness. Thank God the track isn't the same as every other track. Looks like it'll be a good show.

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