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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. basically the first sandbox game ever. and not GTA sandbox which is pretty much a big go kart centre with blood and prostitutes, it's basically taking source engine and taping a piece of cardboard with "Playground" written on it. you can get it on steam, which is sort of like the second coming of christ powered by gabe newell
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaoJEv8edgk&list=FLTKHRn-T261HeuEFxC4CNQQ&index=13&feature=plpp_video hours of fun, if you have GMOD, get the game instead of watching this video
  3. Well then that leaves us with Aussy V8 Supercars with southern accents doesn't it
  4. That and the fact that your posts read like the GMAN reading an EA press release
  5. They just need more jet driers, that'll spice things up
  6. >advertising an event as REAL LIFE PATH OF DESTRUCTION >POD was advertised as the real thing >double backflip that will probably end in stretchers >Mfw
  7. He does this on youtube as well. i still really haven't figured him out
  8. now there's a way of speaking i recognize from youtube.
  9. Does anyone actually click the videos in this thread? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS0uw_jat1g
  10. I actually modeled this ages ago, just never finished it. Pretty sketchy, i should probably redo some stuff on it
  11. Technically that should be "Wickied Willies" but i can see why you didn't put that there
  12. Crushie TNN tracks man, it just wouldn't be the same without. we need em Also, we need El Torro stuck on the semi trailer stack with an immigrations official looking displeased next to it
  13. Because Meents kicked ass with it. it's like SUD for me, when i first saw it, before his vegas run i thought "yeah that's crap. hah hah, grave yard, other trucks. hilarious." but then Ryan kicked some srs ass all year, and i liked it through association
  14. All the versions are archived here http://sourceforge.net/projects/rigsofrods/files/rigsofrods/ Hae' at it
  15. Nope, still don't like it. Besides, between the Source SDK, blender and learning maya/motion builder, i don't really have time to care about a glorified lego simulator with explosive phallic shrubberies
  16. Because even 38 is miles better then 37, and we get six threads a day going OMG Y WONT DIGGAR SHO. PLZ HELP PLZ because they're in 38. And, because it'll allow more freedom with detail, especially on tracks, without worrying about the horrible lag monster of the seventh dimension. and on top of that, with the new "freedoms" this allows, more people will be more motivated to make better things without worrying about superficial superstition. Not to mention, up until now, the only reason given for not using 38 for leagues was because to get to 38, you'd have to "rebuild" the pack, which is exactly what you're doing now.
  17. Hey, question. since you're, you know, remaking the pack from scratch... wouldn't it be a good idea to make it .38 compatable? because in 38, terrain lag has been optimised to the point where it's nearly impossible to "lag" from too many verts on a track, the graphical improvements, UI improvements and how it's generally better performing
  18. Man i liked Obsticle course, ruddy highlight of KOTH. Wasn't wildwood the night that most people just screwed up so badly that you canned it? or was that Wes's Stadium
  19. I beg you. offline version with crushable cars. it just wouldn't be TNN Monster Jam without crushies man, i'll model anything you need
  20. There's more actually. Several horrid repaints of avenger, couple more wretched power forwards, "hank's skin" ect
  21. i did give it to roach a while ago, he said he could make it a bit better, haven't seen it since then. Also, give a gander to my initial tutorials, a good OC bake and such will do wonders. i've also been meaning to upload the painting tutorial, but i realized it was just a video of me painting a truck, without any proper explination of rhyme or reason. i'll throw together a few templates and do a full up teqnique video as well as a photoshop introduction. fun fun fun.
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