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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. This. a thousand times this. it's exactly what monster jam's missing, that element of "run your own game" hope for small game trucks looking for a massive break.
  2. Fair enough. i was thinking of holding off for Rfactor anyway, oggy just won't shut up about how awesome IR is, thought i'd give it a go.
  3. How does free trail. i can't find anything along those lines on the site, been tempted to drop the money, but i'm a turtlish little git, can't let go of my money unless it's a very good reason or pizza.
  4. olawdie. if only i could draw torn metal <_> Guess i have to model the roof scoops and remap everything.
  5. i still find myself writing 2006 for no reason whatsoever Also
  6. This is my brain on a new crash madness DVD (and black keys album)
  7. To ressurect a dead thread. http://www.dafont.com/hurtmold.font this is pretty much spot on for any of the non logo text on bountyhunter/2xtreme anything (like "you can run, but you can't hide" on the back)
  8. Yup, did that after i posted it. Can't believe they want to call this thing "wrecker Breaker". i want to meet the person resposible for that suggestion so i may kill him, and take his place in being paid for being retarded. EDIT: All done
  9. Spoiler isn't right yet, so i hid the object this is going to be a pain-t if you ask me
  10. Basically, what's gone wrong is a simple UI mistake. if you tap N in object mode, you'll get the transform properties window that'll show over your active 3d window. On the window, there's three different modifiers, rotation, scale and location, as long as you're in object mode, the Scale property will actually effect the final model outside of actual placed verticies. So if you have it set to 1.000 all around, it's going to export exactly 1-1 as you see it, if you have it at 0.5, it's going to expand when exported, because according to the object, the vertecies have been shrunk to fit the current state, and anything above 1.0 will shrink the model, since the verts are being enlarged to get to the state they're in in object mode. so anytime you scale anything, be sure that the scale property in object mode is set to 1.0, and do all your scaling in editmode, which scales the verts themselves, and not any object settings.
  11. Guster. i found these guys when this video had about seven views. my favorite song of theirs is Rise and Shine, but i can't find it anywhere
  12. i can't format it because it isn't showing in disk management. that's the problem
  13. olawdie that's an obsticle fest
  14. So i've just got a 2tb hard drive, and an external drive shell for it to work with, as my PC doesn't have a SATA supporting motherboard. (Or PCIE which is obnoxious) i've gone to partition it and format it so i can use it, and it's not showing in the disk management. i've rebooted, checked the cables, reassembled the drive enclosure, everything on gods green earth that i can think of, and despite the fact that it spins up whenever it's connected through the USB, it still won't show. Any help from anyone? this sucker is expensive and far past warrenty
  15. New hard drive enclosure to replace the faulty chipset for my 2tb drive two snoboarding bandannas "Heaven is real" a really good testomonial from a 6 year old that died on an operating table. "The worst cars ever" a really good book about motoring disasters Socks, adaptors, pack of halls. and my personal favorites, a black keys shirt And a new felt trilby. feels good bro
  16. Then i haven't a clue what's gone wrong. do a complete reinstall of fraps, that all i can suggest
  17. any windows computer runs on FAT32 filesystem, which was set in the early ninties, and at the time, computers had about 5 megs of storage at best when the standards were being laid down, so at the time, a gigabyte (one billion bytes) would've been myhtical. as such, the FAT32 was coded with a filesize limit of four gigabytes, which would've been the stuff of bar room jokes at the time. since you're recording AVI at 20+ fps, there is no time to encode the video, so you easily hit the four gig limit for filesize. as for windows freezing, you probably don't have enough RAM to hold said four gig files. my fraps will automatically skip to a new video file every time i hit four gigs, so mabye it's your version that's knackered, not putting down the ID3 tags when it hits the limit, which would render the file unplayable. so trim down the quality, set an FPS limiter in "movies" in fraps, and odd on stop and start recording to save the ID3 writing.
  18. needs the subtle stuff under the name on the back. that'll be a pain to draw
  19. The materials broke, which is fine, as i'm remodelling the thing anyway
  20. so far i've got him playing John Baldry's best on an accoustic guitar using a steak knife as a slide. i mean it can only go downhill from there really.
  21. occulsion bakes as specular map? worked perfectly.
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