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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Edit: scratch what i said, 2X combo. everything is fixed, redneck wiring involving two PVRs and a digi converter box. VIDEO IS ON THE WAY. BUAHAHAHAHA
  2. Recording it right now. expect annual video as soon as i can lug my machine downstairs
  3. is that a thunder on the beach i see? do want.
  4. more elbow, because i'm an artsy pillock
  5. i like to think this is where it was found. half buried in mud and ditchwater in the bottom of a ravine, forgotten and unloved until someone dragged it out. Gotta get the surf board fixed and we're all done
  6. >http://www.monsterjam.com/News/2011/10/04/1/ >Vancouver, BC: February 4/12, BC Place
  7. Razin Kane? In my monster jam? Good thing is good
  8. Rat rod's got some rims! White bit'll be chrome Edit: Whoops.
  9. Ah, thought i had a shot. bollocks to it all, always next week
  10. That looks dangerous... Edit: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a moment, i recognize this...
  11. Found a visual metaphor for my racing night
  12. Death to the philistine. *rage*
  13. Just for reference, here's the shiny new harlowquinn, just waiting on an approval http://www.gamefront.com/files/20844035/Harlow+V2.rar
  14. Not sure if intentional....
  15. What's the story behind that bunny truck?
  16. And now.... Guages! courtesy of Zach and my old Bimmer
  17. Harlowquinn for me, i really need to get cracking on the rebuild
  18. All i can imagine is corkscrew finishes and loop de loop starts. that is all
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