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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. MEANWHILE IN DENMARK Seasick steve is so awesome he can make cookie directions into a brilliant song. en guarde kesha
  2. i'm not certain that this is the point of the thread, but my favorite gimmick, in all honesty is the backflip. yeah, it's put ryan in a neck brace, yeah it's garish and overdone. but you can't deny that 10.000 pounds of machine 40 feet in the air upside down isn't cool, even if it's been blown a little out of proportion of late, but i'm fairly certain that as gimmicks go, a backflip is far preferrible to chad fortune in lesbian's hair going "GET OUT OF HERE. THE ENGINE'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS" lesser of several dozen evils i suppose
  3. or you could just do up a "night" skybox and texture it to look like night outside a "lit" area, with the sandbox sky set to greyish to deliver a nightish light ambience. just me though
  4. if you have any respect for rock or blues, you will watch this video.
  5. never has, and never will be music.
  6. Export the UV map from a model using the scripts part of the UV window in blender. then use an OC bake under the render tab to get a good shading going to add definition to your paint. put the UV TGA into photoshop or paint.net or whatever, and put the OC bake as a hard light layer. after that, go nuts. don't use pure saturated colours, never use pure black, and try not to use pure white. it's garish and overbearing, it looks terrible, and ROR can't shade pure saturation. best of luck
  7. we were trying to see how high we could get. we topped about five kilometres up, and he landed on the light fixture somehow
  8. And the PEI version. Just because Dan Evans is just that cool.
  9. First body's teeth were stupid So i've mended the teeth somewhat and made a certain pretty thing
  10. no idea what's wrong with just "team hot wheels" on the flip side, anything's better then wrecker breaker
  11. That moment when the guy who was shoved to the side and thrown back in as a replacement for deegan is suddenly on top of the heap...
  12. alright, i'll get to that later today
  13. (Picture removed as requested by original author for material in shot that are still in beta)
  14. i offer my legend body for whoever can paint that. we need that in ror. it's a fact.
  15. never use pure black as a base. ROR can't shade pure black, so go a few shades lighter
  16. Message me on AIM, i'll walk you through it. been meaning to do a full end to end creation tutorial for ages. i should get on that one day
  18. >Accedentally click on itunes store when switching between playlists >"NEW SHINS ALBUM" displayed proudly >OSHI- >instabuy and am i glad i did http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyWZ7NHblGg
  19. I'm calling this now. Ryan doubles down, Dennis cries in front of a camera and says "Apart from me winnin' one o' mah boy's doin' it is the best' thin' that coul'a happen'" he then hugs them both in tears and jim kohler shags some renta-girls that came with the hot tub
  20. I think they went with the similar track because they wanted it to be a safe bet that it'll be a good world finals. we can't have a crap WF on dennis's thirtieth, so they went with something the drivers already know. that said, considering jim kohler won last year and he designed the place, i'm willing to bet he wrecks the digger's show
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