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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. I got a whole row of these things, but i'm trying to build my own shaders in blender. not going well. this is probably the strangest result i've got yet. no idea where the green ramp, purple specular and gold sparkles came from.
  2. This makes me a sad boy. For me, it'd have to be lindsey weenk, Kelvin Reimer and Dan evans. Mostly because they're horrendously underrated and also they're all quite modest. you don't really see that too often, especially in monster trucks. well, mabye lindsey isn't underrated, but at least he's quiet about it
  3. lag is a buzzword. this is me droning on, but. this is the rocket launcher from TF2. the very first one from 2007, which is actually one of the simpler models in the game. Now yes, this is also demonstrating LOD, which ROR can do, but only for terrains. but there are 40 player servers for TF2, each with a charicter model running anywhere from 8,442 verts for Demoman, to 4,197 verts for the pyro. times 32, plus weapon models, which range from 7,048 for the machina to 800 for the HHH. most with a LOD model, but nearly half the weapons in TF2 do not have a LOD model, or even a dynamic C_ model, which implicates LOD on it's own. mix in all the props, level geometry and skybox, and you come to about 3.5 million polys per game (which i clocked myself on 2fort this morning using the dev console and a few commands to give me a total scenecount without LOD) now yes, source is a better engine and does do optimisation better then ROR, but a truck runs somewhere around 50k verts, even as low as 20k per truck, not including a few delagging tricks i've found. and my skybox was a 20x sphere, runnning in at 300 faces, and if i did a LOD model for all the side fairground stuff for "Lag" purposes, i bet i could get under 100k faces rendered at any time easily with two trucks running. just for comparison, the Gamecube can do 1.5 million faces on active RAM with textures and LOD optimisation. so lag should be minded, but not feared. Also, dalton, have you just put an SM mesh on the Box5 digger? because flexbodies are automatic now.
  4. Oi, i made that and put that on funny junk several years ago. http://funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/303481/MONSTER/ Small world
  5. i have the painting tutorial thrown together but not rendered. i should have it rendered tomorrow
  6. i just hit D and select textured, it remebers your choice so it's basically one kestroke and click without thought. just a touch quicker methinks
  7. this is how you do your first song on a debut album it's even continued as a story throughout the next few albums, with each entire album spanning different parts of the same guy's life. bloody brililant it is
  8. modeled taz around the coehn, didn't bother retexturing the existing one
  9. everyone starts somewhere though. i cringe when i remember my first stuff
  10. Spec maps that'll look good in ROR are completly different for spec maps that'll look good in blender, i'll be getting to that shortly with tutorials along with getting everything in game. been experementing with new materials to get the same "Hard" specular i got in my SUD render, soon as i get those working i'll get to getting things ingame
  11. All by eye. i'm proud of myself still gotta blend the moustache things on the sides with the hood, trim up the nose, clean up a few lines and mend some profiling to get it looking meaner and the teeth, the teeth are stupid
  12. i think what you mean is adding new spawners as props, the trrn file just adds objects a couple versions of .38 and mabye .39 have a nice cloudscape function, which might classify as weather, but you need calium up for that
  13. guess i gotta make escalade so i can dump it over a bus now
  14. try to make ramps out of curves and not flat faces though, they'll handle a lot better, you can tune them, and they look like they're made of dirt, and not say, bricks. i should be getting to that with my tutorials soon, how to draw with faces instead of subdividing a plane forever
  15. Something i always liked about SM disappeared for reasons unknown a while ago. the random video thread! post random stuff for lolz for the rest of time. i'll start with ash introducing me to mein krapht http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNpfXaXg8yQ
  16. Does writing songs count? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ozu5lDwx-Nk lyrics come in when sam picks up on drums, one line per bar. Midnight, on a grassy hill, gazing at the stars. The two of us, half dreaming, of a world beyond ours. Oh A million stars and a trillion minds They say, there’s a man, thinks there’s still life on mars. Flying, past the stars, longing for a world like ours. Four legs and two arms, Watching their moons duelling the night sky. Blue grass torn right through, on their quiet hill once more. And they say, to themselves, hey you know, there has to be more. Through the bleak, winter sky, lies the creatures, they never say die As they dodge, their law, trying to see, if there lies more As they hide, the clouds part, night skyyyyy, so dark. And they think, to themselves, I wonder if they ever have war. They say, there’s a man, still believes in this world of ours. Though life, may never die, they say, why should you try They say, there’s a man, who says life is more then just pay They say, there’s a man, who’s happy, every day. They say, there’s a land, so far away And they say, that one day we’ll see it all. One night, on the hill. Gazing at the brightening sky They say, there’s a field, where they’re doing it too Staring, at the stars, oh so subtly different from ours. And they stare, endlessly, at the four moons, reflecting violently And sitting there, they say, to themselves. Out there, all that’s here, I hope there’s a world like ours. i was behind the camera here, i'm barley making a noise with a slide as it is i've also done leagues better since then, but this is the only one that got music :/
  17. your exclimation marks seem to have had an accident
  18. build a city skybox then. just a few cubes. it'll add a lot.
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