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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Well, finally puttting time into this sucker again
  2. All i'm saying is, since they're billing the canadian tour as the "best thing evaerrrrrr" to us canucks, they'd better have the decency to put down some bloody dirt in vancouver.
  3. Steve Harlow Harlowquinn V3 Kurtwylde1@hotmail.com all i'm saying is, snoopy the baloon had better make a return
  4. The worlds greatest hobo ladies and gents!
  5. Yeah, it's also way too big. it's just a placeholder until i can knuckle down and vector the original name. i'm also going to see if i can actually do a spec AND bump map material so i can get the prudyness of all those dent's Mr. Anderson acumilated over all those years. including a matte sheen over the eight inch deep one a pole left somewhere around '87. i remember that being mentioned in an interview and i noticed it's contrast against the unscarred paint around it.
  6. and so it begins. thanks to roach for the purely gorgeous skull up thar on top
  7. Aw, i didn't get biggest flop for going from consistantly second places to getting banned? always next year i suppose.
  8. Both should be good for release today, Death Letter needs a touch of body work
  9. stop me if i'm wrong, but isn't that just the '07 skin pasted in on the new body? also, i can get that spec working for you pretty quick if need be
  10. if that was directed at me, thank ya kindly. 's just the start, preliminary work. i need a custom terrain made before i can really put down the track. might just steal something like Aspen, or Baker from the repository
  11. Those were all pretty damn awesome, but how many case mods are out there, and how have i never seen a TARDIS mod. It's a box. it's a pop culture icon. why have i never seen a TARDIS
  12. Teasers for my new project. No, it isn't realistic, why do you ask?
  13. flames on the orange side are solid colour, and don't match the flames on the other side. Plus, shading is kind of important to add contrast and imitate depth and lighting, especially on such a simple model in a game with such simple lighting
  14. the flames need work. whole body needs shading. other then that, not bad
  15. That works fine and dandy for me, seeing as i have to be somewhere in an hour anyway.
  16. yeah i know it's small, i have to fit it in blenders draw reigon to get the image in proportion to the map. it'll be a seperate object in game, so it can be scaled to proper perspective That'll be part of the terrain. modelling fairground and other masking things right now. this thing's going to have detail up the arse
  17. Meanwhile, Teasers for wildwood, and its delicious new skybox
  18. yeah, i threw em on hot wheels. been plugging away at it, i think i might just redo the paint entirely, slap it on the welman.
  19. needs a spec map with the darker red in the paint for full effect
  20. Brilliant, sunday's thanksgiving up in canuckistan anyway. Righto, see you lot then
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