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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Backwards night for me, dun goof racing and decent freestyle. alllllrighty then
  2. Woah. that must've been something to watch
  3. That max-d desperatly needs shading in the frond indent thing
  4. Unamed and Untamed actually, california is a different year i think
  5. Yay, reaction times. if i make it back in time, i'm there
  6. Steve Harlow Jurrasic attack Kurtwylde1@hotmail.com also, the "fall" in the title made me depressed. oh god, summers nearly over
  7. Reminds me of the SVS V2 that ethan never finished
  8. Jesus christ you people have been busy this week. amazing stuff everyone, i mean it. And as for bailout, i'm exited for you just looking at it. crazy stuff mate
  9. Would this be anaheim today? i'm just getting back from a week out of town, so i'm still a slight bit retarded
  10. Meanwhile, i still suck in freestyle, and i cheated eric out of another win. I'm out next week, which is a shame, as i love anaheim. d'oh well, later mates
  11. Needs a fully detailed BC place. nothing else will suffice
  12. Sorry, i'm a detail nazi. And just of note, those two skins were never actually finished, the base colour needs work, so i'll be updating that when i get around to it, as well as getting the old F150 together as well
  13. The failmobile rides again, should be a fun night
  14. you know we're all behind you mate, go slaughter
  15. Why was my first thought the ghostbusters theme. also, try skinning that in blender if you can, i find it imporoves the final product threefold. regardless, thumbs up from me also, this
  16. That would be amazing if someone on the fourms could get into real racing, you have my support mate (whatever that may equate to)
  17. Lucky you mate, always wanted to go to comicon
  18. That looks dangerous, interesting to see how it turns out stack on the lower left is going to lag like crazy by the looks of it
  19. Probably my only gripe here, Wolverine as a charicter is supposed to be bulky, mean, and made of chuck norris with blades for fists. and the '02 chevy was alright for that. but why is this on an 08 ford f-150? i know it's not small by any means, but compared to the current chevy, or a dodge, or even the super duty, it just seems like a bad fit
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