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Everything posted by JDeezie82

  1. I've been a busy beaver going through the pack and making a list of tweaks.
  2. Mine is worse. It worked once but now it's still off. I've clear and regened the cache several times, and the only pack I have is V4. I've been going through and making a list of other minor things I've found as well. Fixing what I can but if any mods or admins wanna check it out it's in the STUFH section.
  3. Amazing track as always Klayton! Only thing is mine has no banners. I'll give it a look and see if it's missing anything though.
  4. Wait, there are previous pages and a search bar? These must be part of the new features that come with V4. In all seriousness though, can't wait for the new pack. Thanks to all you fine fellers for putting in such hard work to get this done, and for letting me contribute in what little way I did. I'm excited to have been a part of this and hope to be a bigger contribution in packs to come. Once again, thanks guys for all the time and effort you've devoted to making this sim and community better and better.
  5. I have a Logitech GT wheel that I got for my PS3 used on Ebay for around $65. Really awesome, affordable wheel. I've only used it a couple times with ROR though. Only bad thing is having to map all the controls to it.
  6. My thoughts exactly, but it'll still be a great body for the Wheely King.
  7. Yeah I love it. Played the second one on my friend's xbox years back and always said that would be one of the only reasons I'd get one. Shoot me an invite if you guys wanna mess around.
  8. Haha! Yeah I think that's one of my better ones.
  9. Thought I'd join in on the fun. You guys want funny/weird pix? I gots tons of em. I'll start with a nice one of my lady and I at WF11. Another one from our Vegas trip. Some randomness at a shop in Savannah, GA. And since some of you have a problem with beards, here are a few of when I grew mine out. Me with X-Mas gift my lady made for me commemorating my Jeep being in RC Driver. My temporary Wolverine beard I had when I decided to shed my face fro. And lastly, some underwater GoPro fun. Enjoy.
  10. Just got my xbox and Forza 4 about a month ago. Was the main reason for getting a xbox, that and my lady wanted the dancing games. If anyone wants to get online sometime send me an invite @DurtyDuncan.
  11. What happened to the other Photoshop thread? Guess I'll add some here when I do some new stuff.
  12. Thanks. Here's the build thread if you guys are interested in checking it out. http://www.rccrawler.com/forum/axial-scx-10/297225-weekend-warrior-project.html
  13. Haha! Now you guys know how the rest of us feel. Grammar isn't that hard kiddos.
  14. No wayz dude!! Path of Destrukshin four PSP iz best it wills ever gonna be for reals!! You guyz dont nose anything about good gamez.
  15. Liquid is right about them getting expensive. I've only had my Axial a little over 2 years and I've spent more time and money on it(with the exception of my 6 year old E-Maxx) than anything else. Your budget and skill set are really the only limitations you have for building a great rig. If you're just starting out though I would suggest looking into something ready to run, but if you're handy at following instructions and have patience I'd recommend a kit. My SCX 10 started life as a Honcho kit and I loved every minute of it.
  16. Also check out www.rpphobby.com and www.rc4wd.com. They have more choices for crawlers and scale trucks. Here's a pic of my Axial SCX 10 with a Wrangler body on it.
  17. Just got mine the other day. Only game I have now is Forza 4. Hit me up though @ DurtyDuncan.
  18. I've always had electric. Only had a nitro for about 2 weeks. Had a Traxxas Nitro 4Tec but managed to nail a manhole with it and ko the frame. Sold it because I didn't feel like putting in anymore money or maintenance that comes with a nitro car. Also, if anyone might be interested, I'm thinking of selling my E-Maxx I've had since 2006. Has over $1000 invested in it, just never mess with it anymore. Message me if you're interested.
  19. Just a little something I whipped up with one of the WOLO 30th Diggers and his Baltimore 2012 track. Enjoy kids. http://youtu.be/JcgPAhCj7gU
  20. http://www.youtube.com/JDeezie82 Not a whole lot, but I'm working on it.
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