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Everything posted by JDeezie82

  1. Just working with what was available. At least the paint is better than the current V4 Mutt. I've gotten the truck in game and I'm currently trying to get the spec map sorted out. It's been a while since I've made a truck and I'm still slightly Blender stupid.
  2. Cool. Just lemme know. Yes it's a V4 body. It was the Dalmation body. I just repainted it.
  3. In the words of Family Guy's Ollie Williams...... Nothing too special really. Just repainted the MM Dalmation body. Hoping to have it finished up later today. Wanted to fix the tag to where it says "Monster Mutt 2010 Freestyle Champion", but couldn't find the font that's used on the real truck. It's the same as the Monster Mutt logo. Later taters.
  4. This thing handles so well! Is this the new n/b you've been tweaking that you posted about?
  5. Haha! Yep. He does some pretty cool tutorials sometimes.
  6. Here's a little something I threw together using a pic I took of Todd's run in Metal Mulisha this year at the World Finals. Turned out pretty cool I think.
  7. Haven't made a ROR video in a while so I thought I'd just throw one up. Here's a run I did at Atlanta 2014 in MM Rotty. Nothing special, just a few saves and a decent run. Botched it a little at the end. Sorry kiddos, no backflips this time. Later taters.
  8. Looks cool. One thing I would suggest is to rotate your name just a little more. The M and Y aren't equal distances from the top of the logo. Also think it would look cool if you were to have your name arch in the same direction as the top of the logo. IMO it would tie the whole logo together more asthetically. I really do like it though, because I too am a fan of the sideways action.
  9. Not sure why you guys are having such an issue. Yes there are a lot of files in the zip that shouldn't really be there but there's no need to just pick out certain ones. Your SMV4 zip pack will update only the files that have been changed. All I did was highlight all the files in the mulisha zip, except the soundfiles because I already had them, and drug them over to my V4 folder. After clearing and regenning my cache the truck works and looks great. That being said there was one issue I noticed inside the roosterpit. The gauges are mismapped it appears. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2r9c5ewgz8gt7d5/screenshot_1.png
  10. Great work man, but there's a PNG file missing on both this version and the WF15 version. I'm getting a solid white fuel cell on both chassis versions and I noticed that the jazfuelcell.png file wasn't included with the .zip file. Just wondering if it was used from a different truck that I don't have or if it might've been forgotten in the zip?
  11. JDeezie82


    Great work John, but there's an Error 6 issue. Zip file is missing AFABpeishaft.mesh.
  12. Just a curiousity, how exactly do trucks get in/out of the staging area for Thunder Alley?
  13. I clicked the defibrillator button. She's alive for a little while longer now.
  14. Speaking of Atlanta, what happened with that one? Thought it was close to done. Just curious.
  15. Sure can bud, or if you've got aim I can debs them over that way. After you install them you have to go into one of the material files and change a couple things. I'll try and look it up again and send you a link.
  16. Mine is working. Had to change some minor things but it works just fine.
  17. Yeah I've gotten some good ones before around where I live but nothing like out there. Just sucks that I didn't get as many as I wanted, but there's always next time.
  18. Not much Photoshop work was needed on these right outta the camera, but just thought I'd share anyways. These are from a recent trip out west. The first two are from Monument Valley and the last one is at the Grand Canyon.
  19. Thanks bud. I'm fortunate to have the best girlfriend in the world. Without her I don't think I'd have ever been able to go. You're right, those are stock plastic links I used for the fastback mod. Eventually gonna make some aluminum pieces or replace the top part of the cage with a tube kit.
  20. Took my Wraith along on our recent vacation out west. Here are a few pix of it. At Arches National Park in Moab, UT. At the Grand Canyon.
  21. Since folks have revived this thread, here are a couple of my old renders. Fire text: Split toned edit of a house in Bombay Beach, CA:
  22. Here's a panorama I snapped of the aftermath last night. I'll have my dslr pix up after I get back. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t31.0-8/1781103_840302812663062_900616663_o.jpg Also here's a shot I got of Leduc's air he got at the start of his run. https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t31.0-8/1965561_840621882631155_1039747068_o.jpg
  23. Uploading the videos I got tonight of racing. I'll post the link here when I get the playlist together.
  24. I'm super pumped that I'm going again this year. Haven't been since 2010. I think we should get a thread up of everyone that's going and maybe try to meet up.
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