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Jack Merkle

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Everything posted by Jack Merkle

  1. I swear there are people on this site who could have a very big job in CG modeling and related fields.
  2. Rule #1. Never ask when something will be released. What an amazing 200th post.
  3. I think he announced 2017 in his speech at the Monster Truck HOF.
  4. Name: Jack Merkle Aim: jack.merkle Truck: NWO Link: TBA Requested Day (If necessary): N/A
  5. And maybe split up the quad jump into 2 seperate doubles.
  6. Because it's still a good truck. You you have to be a dick about everything?
  7. I'm pretty sure the diffs are already locked.
  8. It still seems to me that the fun boxes are too far out.
  9. Jack Merkle Avenger jack.merkle
  10. Name: Jack Merkle AIM: jack.merkle Truck: All American Nitemare Nickname: N/A
  11. It's on this site, just search "Beau's 4x4 sound pack.
  12. Just a little something I'm working on for SSRS. It's not the best, but it's something I like, so yea.
  13. My name is actually Merkle
  14. Name: Jack Merkle AIM: jack.merkle Custom Truck: All American Nitemare Custom Truck Song: Replica Truck: Excaliber Rank: Bronze Reason: Competed in multiple events, even getting a win in SMRA.
  15. Are these 4-links 4000 x 4000 too?
  16. The only problem I see is that the fun boxes are too far out.
  17. >ignorant >pointed a problem out that fixed your track. >ok
  18. Does anybody know where I can find images of the New Bright trucks they have?
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