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Everything posted by Edy

  1. Stop following me or else i'll call the FBI

  2. Sorry for being an edeoit but what is a baby?
  3. You just ruined my favorite monster truck.
  4. Meh, not really feeling it for this year. I migth not go, and rather go the US or to the Pokemon TCG regionals
  5. Is that what your mom says about B.B.Cs? Sorry had to. No news on Mexico show for this year yet?
  6. Wf 18 soon. (Nah, jk, taking super break) [I'll be back with an awesome custom track later this year] Great track btw @Tom Deents, love that dirt texture (Send please?)
  7. So Dennis is not competing on the World Finals... anymore? Please explain
  8. Here's mine: http://challonge.com/es/tournaments/WorldFinals18/predictions/137088/edit?token=86d97b80f32201346200723c913352cc
  9. It's in my external harddrive. I've been inactive because of various reasons I moved all my ROR stuff to an external hard drive, that drive has all of my videos, ROR stuff, and some photos. I migth be able to send some to stuff to people for them to finish/realase them Life has been busy af, a side from the fact that i'm kind of getting away from the computer more often and also less interested on ROR slowly
  10. HAVE YOU EVEN BOTHERED?! HAVE YOU EVER?!?! My will to live is -10
  11. Incredible job @Hagan Moskau & @rockgod88
  12. Fullboar makes it into YGS Fullboar wins YSG Fullboar quals to Racing Fullboar wins Racing Fullboar wins Freestyle Fullboar encore
  13. Garret i'm going to be honest, and i know it's going to sound mean, but, that looks awful. You didn't even "repainted" or made something original, you just added a very THIN layer of green over the metal mulisha paint. Not to mention that the chassis looks terrible as for the materials as for the props its missing Also let's be honest green + metal mulisha doesn't match, at all. You could have used red, black, EVEN a little yellow and made something original. But you didn't. Your content sucks because you rush it, because you don't take time to make it, you are more worried about the quantity than the quality. Make things rigth if you want to be succesful.
  14. You can just post them on this thread:
  15. It's a model you can buy online https://www.cgstud.io/3d-model/grave-digger-monster-truck-435108?ref=tf3dm It was made by a company/group called SQUIR models
  16. Why are you using that ugly ass body? Learn to model and make a new one Props if you learn to paint and make a new paint for it
  17. Some sh1t i did FULL ALBUM HERE: https://flic.kr/s/aHskMz2s7C
  18. Honestly, i just made it because i was depressed and wanted to get distracted
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