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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. I'd like to say I proudly won that race in Wrecking Crew.
  2. Obsidia is personally of of my favorite artists.
  3. Oh my god...The ultimate white girl truck. I'm like, 300% done right now. I literally can't even.
  4. Sorry Dig, I already have Crusader. And I thought you signed up in Batman?
  5. Deja Vu II- DJ Double Dizzle- Diamond Eyes (Deja Vu Edit) http://grooveshark.com/s/Diamond+Eyes+Deja+Vu+Edit/6PMNLA?src=5
  6. Steve just...loves looking at the sand of Virginia Beach.
  7. I mean, my spec-map is all material file. I used no managed materials at all of my own work.
  8. I used Johan's tutorial for Deja Vu II and it worked fine. Spec-map and all.
  9. I guess this kinda shows how I drive. 5% of the time it's luck, 95% of the time its me saying "uh what do I hit next." How I've managed to get freestyle wins with this strategy...I...I don't know.
  10. You really do need to scrub that dirt off your skin. Oh that's your skin color? ...dang flabbit.
  11. Well since this is labelled as the "music" thread, and it wasn't said that it has to be videos...lets look at some sheet music shall we? Let's see if anyone can understand this, which happens to be a marching band show: After getting past how confusing it all looks, its actually a very well put-together and beautiful show. See video below.
  12. I was expecting the Julio pic
  13. That's actually not too bad of an idea. There could be both since its two different types of racing, one being more head-to-head round by round driven, and the other being with heats and a main event. Could show how different people are better at what.
  14. Mouth sex, eh? Whatever gets your rocks off, I guess.
  15. Mrillis Action is good, high quality, smooth video, hardly any fps drop for me at least.
  16. I would say aliens, but Overkill Evolution's already taken that
  17. I love how that turned out, but next time you go to take a screenshot, try turning the FSAA up to 8 in the configurator. It'll smooth out those edges so much.
  18. So mid-backflip shots are fun. Also these I thought came out cool.
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