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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Mike Russell mike437@comcast.net Heavy Metal (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/865-heavymetal10/)
  2. Yup that's it. Man, that thing was dug in pretty deep! Thanks for the help.
  3. I remember awhile back I had an S-10pack for RoR that had a grey stock S-10, a brown dragster S-10 and a grey offload version of the stock S-10. I think I deleted it awhile back, so I started looking for it again today, but I can't seem to find it anywhere on the repository. Anyone know what file I'm talking about and/or have a link or the actual file they could send my way?
  4. On Sunday, my band Exempt played a concert at a Battle of the Bands and did fairly well. We've played hundreds of similar things before but, never really did that great, and knew we wouldn't because we'd always be before some really big band in my area. As for this show, we had a pretty good set, everything went according to planned, and people said they really liked us. We learned later that night, we ended up placing 4th, one point out of third! A band named My Thoughts In Color, really good friends of our got third, which was asstounding since they're one of the bigger bands in the area, and it's very suprizing we finshed so close to them. The top three bands got invited to "Zanafest", which is a festival for a former school teacher who taught chorus and band when my parents were in school. Unfortunatly, the band who won the Battle of the Bands was already in, was already in Zanafest, so why they were in this, we're still trying to figure out. As I said, they take the top three bands to the festival, but if one of them is already in, wouldn't it be logical to take the next three: second, third, and fourth? Granted we were disappointed not scoring in the top 3, I think we did really well, probably one of our best shows to date. Only thing the judges said we needed to work on was stage presence. Really can't complain about fourth place, one point out of third. Just felt like sharing.
  5. I see a Arlington Sign Racing 2013 video coming soon.
  6. I like the scheme, but the beadlocks...probably thrown on for a last minute change off another truck, but the blue with the orange is just...meh.
  7. You kidding? I'm still enjoying some trucks from V3!!! Seriously...if anyone feels the need to convert Blue Max to V4, please inform me...immediately!
  8. I like the idea of the Avenger themed Bel Air. Definitely wouldn't see one of those runnin' around town everyday. Wouldn't mind seeing a Chevy Panel Van with a Digger scheme on it behind it, either.
  9. Hate to tell ya this, but your friends have no idea how long it takes to make an entire truck pack of 80+ trucks. From my knowledge, they've only completed Lucas Oil Crusader at the moment. Truck packs have no set release date, and nobody knows when it'll be completed. As for me, I'm just sitting on the safe side and I'm going to assume sometime in 2014. Almost assuredly it won't be completed before the end of this year.
  10. Dunno if it was around at the time, but wasn't Brutus an orange S-10 at on point? Might be good to include it, if it's not to much trouble. Dat list!!!
  11. Once again, thanks for running this, I had a good time. Gonna be awfully funny watching how bad I did on the video. LOL
  12. Mike Russell Son-Uva Digger mike437@comcast.net
  13. If you could have any car or truck without money or avalibility being an object, what would it be? (Has to be street legal, so no monster trucks.) I've always found old muscle cars cool, so i'd probably want an old '60s GT500 or an early '70s Mustang Boss 302. Can ya tell I like Mustangs?
  14. As for the crushed cars and such, the ones from the tracks on here don't break. However Box5 made a few tracks with crushing cars on the ROR site, as well as trucks with flexbodies on them.
  15. Just my assumption on what the problem was. I am in no way knowledgable about .mesh, .trucks or any other aspect of Blender. I've seen similar problems with same named files before, so it was only a guess, not a full blown answer.
  16. You need to make sure ALL of the files have the same name as the .truck file. The other files in the zip are named the same thing as the other El Diablo truck, thus it thinks that they are the same files as said truck, making it a regular El Diblo truck. As for it being backwards, that's beyond my knowledge.
  17. They said something on Facebook about Dennis going to the hospital. Anyone got a backstory or information on it yet?
  18. The number of posts needed is 500. I just got mine in June, and my title still holds true.
  19. The number of posts needed is 500. I just got mine in June, and my title still holds true.
  20. Welcome to online news: the home of bias and opinionated reviews.
  21. Those of you Tanner Foust fans, he's made it past round 1 in Gymkhana Grid. Really do hope he gets a medal, preferably a gold.
  22. I bet anything Rockstar Energy, or even Octane Academy would look pretty sweet, considering O.A. uses Raptors in the show.
  23. Backspace will flip it in it's current spot, and I will send it back to the spawn. Hope this helps, and good luck to ya.
  24. Well, I was planning on dropping the Sports Package from Comcast, anyway. Looks like this is the final nail in the coffin.
  25. Looks great. Only problem is the sound. I'm getting the starter sounds, but no idling or throttle after the trucks is started.
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