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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Mike Russell Rockstar Heavy Metal mike437@comcast.net
  2. New Version Update for Heavy Metal. Original post is also updated. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1170-rockstar-energy-heavy-metal/
  3. Not bad, Hagan. The only thing that concerns me is the angle of the launch ramps. They look a little steep to me. Might wanna extend them out further, and have the ark of the ramp a little more on the shallow side.
  4. Hello, it's Mike again. We all know big of a tech genius I am, so I figured I quiz a few people. (Yeah, that's a ton of sarcasm.) Is there a way to physically browse files on Mediafire? I'll go to the Medifire website, and the only thing I can accomplish is getting to my fire storage. I've checked that darned page probably a dozen time and I can't seem to find anything on browsing public files. Can anyone give me a hand here? I feel the more time I spend trying to figure out how to do things on the internet, the further my IQ drops!
  5. Damn, Busch got hit. That's 'Dega for ya. Everyones trying to go for the best spot at the finish. Two trucks frying to fit in a spot big enough for for one just don't work.
  6. Lookin' great IceCreamRulz! And Mr. John Dough.,.I'm still trying to figure out where you got that obsticale idea from...lol, can't wait to see what you do with it.
  7. A chrome grille might be cool, and an older set of door handles (Also chrome) might throw a bit of old school detail into it.
  8. Mark, that truck looks SWEET! Can't wait to see it on track. Digger 23 looks pretty good. I never would have noticed the shock mishap, but it still looks good.
  9. Yeah, they were just standing around the track, not even a fence between them and the live course. *SMH*
  10. Forget the RII. At keast have the fans on a building, or heaven forbid, a set of grandstands. If a higher elivations out of the option, get the crowd back! You wouldn't stand in a construction site without a hard hat would you? No need to stand near a 10 thousand pound truck, with it flying through the air, 10 feet away. Most of t's just common sence on saftey procedures. I ain't blamming the driver. I blame the officials or whoever put the show together for allowibg the audiance to stand that close.
  11. Meaning you can change anything inside the coding of the game to your liking, considering if you know how? Interesting.
  12. Alrighty, I'm in. Request sent, and I'm still learning my way around the game, but I should be able to get up and running by Monday. Both my Social Club and PSN are Leadfoot530.
  13. Alright, question for ya guys. Yamaha just released a new 1/3 scale travel size acoustic guitar. It's got a natural wood finish on the front, and the back has a plastic, matte black finish. Whole thing should cost about $200. Can't remember the model name, but it's a REALLY nice guitar. Anyone seen anything close to what I'm blabbering on about?
  14. Believe you uploaded a RAR file, and from my understanding RAR files don't work in RoR.
  15. Join the club. One of my first events I ran, think it was one of the Hump Day Shootouts, I hit 4 ramps, then front flip/endoed the truck about halfway down the stadium. I never got that slap wheelie I wanted...
  16. ...aaaannnndddd that goes to show you how much I know about the teams, and who owns what, and so on and so forth. Still bummed Chris is leaving.
  17. I would think they would have Steve swap iver to Brutus. True, he might not drive as hard pr the same way as Chris, but I really doubt they'll can Brutus. Just think: they made 3 whole trucks with that body. They ain't cutting the original.
  18. Not really a monster truck, but we might as well keep up with the Crash Madness. Amazing how high this thing got. Best it was quite a ride for Dennis.
  19. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to make a friggin' backflip ramp. One to figure out what the guy was thinking when he designed it? Maybe, but not for the ramp.
  20. For the straight drags, maybe you can add something with a "Drag Racing Christmas Tree" to help with reaction time, since that mainly determins the race. Just a thought.
  21. Hopefully withing the next 2-3 months I'll have enough cash for it. Drop dead broke right now. Note: My PSN name is Leadfoot530..so if the games physics are at all like a racing game as they say, have fun checking out the rear bumper, fellas!
  22. Name: Mike Russell Truck: Heavy Metal Download Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1170-rockstar-energy-heavy-metal/ AIM: mike437@comcast.net Song: Master of Puppets by Metallica ( )
  23. Apologies for the bump. Finally figured out how to post pictures. It doesn't look exact, but it's roughly the same model as my guitar. I've got an ESP LTD MH-1000 Can't play Rock 'N Roll without one of these. Finally, that's going into my Peavey 30 Watt Vypyr amp. Might need a cabinet to play with it on stage, but it works well around the house.
  24. Alright, I've downloaded and installed Beau's truck sounds; is there a way I can take say, the sounds from Winslow's Bounty Hunter, and add them to my custom truck, Heavy Metal? I tried changing the file name of the .truck file withing the document (1st line.) and the document as a whole, but all that succeded in doing was change the entire truck to look like Bounty Hunter. I think it's safe to say:
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