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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. As I said before, i am amazed. Edit: Hey Rock, wouldn't happen to have a 1965 Shelby Mustang body lying' around would ya?
  2. I'm on another site with Lookey, he does the same things all the time...
  3. Uh, can't someone report him to the police or something? Do believe hacking is a crime, just sayin'.
  4. Wake up at 6:30 am for school Get home at 2:30 pm Computer from 3:00 pm till 5:00 5:00 till 5:45 is dinner 6:00-8:30 is band practice 10:00pm crash in bed till the next day i retart is all.
  5. Lookin' good Coco. Only thing that needs working on in my opinion is the paint color. Believe the grey is a little lighter on the actual truck, but so far, she looks great!
  6. It just amazes me how detailed you guys get with these things. Hats off to you guys.
  7. Just to get this in my content...lookin'gkod so far!
  8. One of the very first trucks I saw live. SOOOO need this!
  9. Precisely what I mean about the cars needing to have a few tweaks to them. You never saw anybody run the low line yesterday, and they could barely get near anyone else without sending them around. Ex: #18 and #5. Before these cars I used to love plate racing with all the hi9gh speeds and the big crashes, but they now have taken all that away. Heck! The Nationwide Race was more interesting than the Sprint Race, and not just because of the finish either. Best of luck to the victims in the stands for that.
  10. From how I saw it, Kyle never even touched Kahne and it was only something with air flow, but I didn't see much of it though. Danica Patrick did surprisingly well, after last year's season where she hit everything but the pit crew on the track. Disappointed that Kyle blew a motor, but I was pulling for Jr. at the end. Not to thrilled with Jimmie winning yet again. Never really liked him that much, on account he basicly won the championship every year, but still, it was a good race. As for the Gen 6 cars, I think they need to do something with plate tracks. Most of therace was running all in a line up high with very minimal passing. Just seems very boring to me.
  11. Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay. As for the photo, I believe it's aomething to do with posting it on a photobucket account then uploading it here, but i m not to sure.
  12. Career Path: Demo derby driver. Haha. Hopethe bill isn't to bad, and hopefully your luck will change in the future.
  13. That's great Coco! Only thing I could see being a problem is with people having eye sight issues, such as myself, might have a hard time seeing the light change. Other than that, it's perfect!
  14. Personally, I feel windshields take away from the drive-ability of the truck when your in the cab of the truck. If the level of transparency can be changed to something lighter than the windshield in THW it would be better, but wouldn't they also add verts to the truck?
  15. As I said, just my opinion, and I didn't relize that was Zimmer. Not very good with faces. But Brutus really needs to be in this.
  16. Honestly, I'm not to thrilled with the lineup this year. Why? Well, in my opinion Scooby-Doo, Zombie, ans Superman should not have made it. I'll cut the driver of Superman some slack, he's a good driver, but I don't think he's good enough for the Finals. Scooby-Doo is just WAAAAY overrated, and again, shouldn't have made it due to the driver, Zombie, eh I dunno. Guess my main gripe is that isn't the Finals supposed to be about the best of the best going for it? What's with all these rookies then. Not that I don't like them, it's just, I could have picked 28 guys that really deserve to be there, like Bergeron. I may be suprized about some of these new drivers after I see how they run, but, it just seems like their giving the younger drivers a bigger break than they deserve.
  17. One thing I want to comment on is, when you hit the gas in these things, it goes straight to the rev limiter. Not sure if this is possible, but if you could make it so it has a slow increase on it, that would definitely sell it for me.
  18. Kenseth's car look like the strongest out of the bunch. The Chevy's were also looking pretty good. Only thing is the Hendrick guys have been blowing up engines all week.
  19. As long as she doesn't take the #18, i'm happy. Yes, i'm a Busch fan.
  20. In all honesty, I think Danica getting the poll is a fluke. Just a marketing scam by NASCAR. Whos to say they didnt give her a chip to boost the car, then swap it out after her run?
  21. TV show thread, eh? Well "I just can't help myself." Yes, laugh at me or whatever, but i'm a Tiny Toon Adventures fan.
  22. Precisely Eric. I do understand we have limited control over this matter, but it's just a darn shame that parents can't keep their own children in check anymore. I know probably 3 guys in my grade that have been suspender once in the past 2 years, and 1 guy that got in trouble for gran theft auto. So yeah, this should be an example of how poorly taught this generation is. It's not everyone out there, but some people do need atitude adjustments.
  23. The people on this site, such as admins, and all the members that I see daily are good people, it's just the people that have been on for a shorter time, and yes, the 12 year olds, that think they can get away with anything are the problem. I do recommend taking the kick feature away, as 1 person can vote 5 times and get that person kicked by themselves.
  24. Just need to blow off some steam so, here it goes. Been noticing a lot of disrespect to other players on the other server besides CIFPO. Here's and example. Enter the server, taking Rap Attack out for a run at Milwaukee. Within 2 minutes of enter, I get guys yelling at me, and I quote, "Get the {Insert F Word Here} off the track!" I clearly explain that I was not running with them, nor was I doing anything to interfere with the drivers that were on the track. Shortly after, I received 4/5 votes to kick me from the server. I then left voluntarily, as my temper was getting up there. This is just one example of countless other acts I've seen recently, one involving RockCrawlr coming into the server to talk to the few who where being rude. I know I am not an admin, and probably never will be, but non the less, I urge you few out there to clean up your acts. This site and Rigs of Rods was meant for people to enjoy driving games and hang-out with friends, not yell at people and force us to create posts such as this one. I hope this does help out with this problem and stop cases like this in the future, and please, don't mind me venting. Thanks.
  25. Just had to re-download all my V4 trucks i've ever gotten 'cause all the trucks were bringing up that Error 6 thing.

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