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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Gonna guess Orlando 2011, but that's just out of thin air.
  2. Yup. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3tce4j/ And for Call of Duty Players: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3tce6f/ AND typical try-hard player. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3tce7a/
  3. Mike Russell Mike437@comcast.net Metal Mulisha
  4. Alright....gotta make my own now...CoD meme's here we come
  5. So that's where it's hidding! Thanks for the clarification.
  6. Apologies for the off topic post but, I remember seeing a Tarus chassis that had a really weird suspension on it, but I can't remember where I found it. Anyone heard of this before, and was it on Sim-Monsters or the repo of RoR?
  7. Oh. Looked kinda cool with it on. Reminded me of the old digger that ran the goldish rims way back.
  8. Always good to see new faces with a hand for painting on here. Welcome aboard!
  9. Think I know what mines gonna be... Dead-Last Racing.
  10. Are those brown/yellow beadlocks or is that just from the dirt?
  11. Oh I see now. The headlight isn't under the body, it's beside it. Yep, gotta be a standard Digger body.
  12. New Legend body? Not very good with recognizing trucks.
  13. Any recommendations for cars that work on .37, as the Burnside doesn't work with it.
  14. I r such a big fan! I can gaz autograph? Lol, Now for an on-topic post, i play rhythem guitar and sing for my band Exempt. We're basicly justa bunch of teenagers screwing around all the time so, hou get the picture. As for my equipment, I play an ESP LTD MH-1000 through a Boss DS-1 distortion pedal, and it all comes out a Peavy Vyper 30 watt amp.
  15. Hey, isn't Jimmie like a 5 time champ? So, you would think he would know how to get a good restart right? Apparently not.
  16. Jimmie just gets mAd if he doesn't win or something does 't go his way. Part of the reason I don't like him. Probably used to always getting what he thinks he deserves because Hendrick basicly gives them the best stuff money can buy. Honestly, they should give everyone the same setup on raceday, that way nobody has a competitive edge.
  17. Loved all the tracks from any point in time. When I first joined here I was like, wow, these things are great! Now it's nothing but, wow, these things are flipping awesome! (No pun intended) Think I got a bit to think about, then I'll list my favorites. EDIT: Think I've finally narrowed it down enough to my liking so, here we go! 5.) Custom FR Not sure why I like this entirely, but it's a really fun track to drive on. I've always like freestyle more than racing, mainly because I can't race for the life of me, but it's just got so much stuff to do on it, that the possibilities of what you can hit, and how you can hit ramps is almost endless. 4.) BC Place 2012 Although it might have the standard track layout that we see at almost any show nowadays, a lot of effort went into modeling this, i'm possitive on that. The ramps, especially the double van stack, seem to have a really nice curve to them, and it just launches the truck perfectly. Downright a great track for a funrun, or even maybe a league. The racing track, also standard, drives as smooth as can be. No tight turns to really throw someone off. Just a really great track for a newbie like me to be able to be competitive without having all the most skill, or the fastest computer. 3.) World Finals XIII This track couldn't be any more perfect than it is for me. Racing is always close here, and there are no problems in the Thunder Alley section, unless you really can't drive these things. Textures and painting are simply gorgeous, especially on the Freestyle version with the tire marks everywhere. Ramps don't seem to big or to small, and I haven't had much trouble with lag on it. Just a downright great track for funruns. 2.) All Monster's Eve III Right as I was in the middle of watching a replay of Freestyle for the first AME I started thinking to myself: "Ya know, I want to run with these guys some day," and, guess who's here now? Missed the chance to get into this particular event 'cause of the holiday season, but I did catch a bit of the Freestyle live-stream, which just blew me away. The racing course was very cool, kind of a mix between a Sam Boyd course and a straight up straight drag. Really fun to try and get a good lap in without making a slight mistake, and all the ramps flowed nicely. The Freestyle track was where it really got good! At first I see the train in the front, but then I spotted the plain in the back! Great innovating in the freestyle track, and it had many opportunities for big air. My only thought is, whatcha got for next year? 1.) Sim-Monsters Fall Madness II The first official event I tried to get into, driving War Wagon, and let me tell ya, that track was BRUTAL! So many spots to roll the truckif you went to fast, or slow, in my case. Think the average lap time for this track was just shy of a minute, but the track offered a very different style of racing that I've never seen before. The freestyle track seemed a little packed with the gap jump being right on the landing side of the bus jump, but just the sheer insanity of some of the ramps quickly drove that thought out of my head. Just a very well put together track, and it was a lot of fun trying to make the field. Well, there ya have it. Hopefully I can get the chance to see what you guys can pull off in 2013, and best of luck with all the new tracks for the upcoming year!
  18. Forget that! Wheres the tube if toothpaste? Fixed up AND it smells minty-fresh.
  19. One acronym and one word: AME3 Plane.
  20. Even the racing lanes? First one to complete a double backflip wins, I guess.
  21. Now if only someone made Indy and Vegas...(Hint hint.)
  22. Finally found a truck besides Mulisha that fits my driving style. Would have been nice to find before ORL started.

  23. Or, we can take this site and PUSH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!
  24. Dang man, and I thought high school took up alot. Honestly with all these schedules and all you guys do for this site, I have so much respect for you guys making this site what it is today, while taking the time out of your lives. I applaud you all.
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