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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. #MoreMonsterJam is honestly the best idea FELD has had in a while, and I don't see how it's aimed away from all ages. Monster Jam aim to be family entertainment, meaning children and adults alike.
  2. I hated the Ford. *Cough* Also, no body version. Thanks to Mark for the chassis. Also thanks to Wambo for making the body the way it do.
  3. The new tracks are also a huge factor. I stuff like this is much less likely on track from 6-7 years ago.
  4. I definitely agree, but they just need to be tweaked because of course in real life ruts change as the night goes in, and they give at least some when you hit them.
  5. This is great! Now if only people would realize that the current version we have is awful and that we desperately need to upgrade...
  6. This is really just based off of rumor, but I was told they had an inverted monster energy body incase Coty won the young guns shoutout. I bet they all run their regular trucks with minor differences body-wise, but any guess is as good as mine. Anyone who knows for sure, please let us know, I'm really curious.
  7. The great part is that all of the Super Bowl half time shows use pre recorded sound. In other words, they were all faking playing and singing, and to be honest, they weren't all too convincing most of the time.
  8. It's adults who, from what someone from the site told me (can't remember who) went through some form of filtering. Not really good enough. (Note: By saying this I don't mean anything bad about any of the drivers. They are all very skilled performers, and good competitors.)
  9. Maybe he missed it? Not everyone reads every post on the site.
  10. I too have pictures from Indy... FULL ALBUM OF PICTURES I THOUGHT WERE DECENT HERE: http://imgur.com/a/klYAw
  11. Didn't part of one fly into the stands when Nicole hit one? I feel like the loose random parts of the camper finally caused an issue, and they may have been removed from track designs because of it.
  12. That's not really possible in rigs of rods as it exists. It might be doable, I really don't know, but i doubt it. I can guarantee the effort it would take would not be worth it if it were doable, and the lag it would create would cripple half the site's computers.
  13. It's not my video, it's the only one i could find that showed a full freestyle as of a day or two ago. I guess I'd take it over nothing though, lol.
  14. I don't want to spark an argument here... but having been to a #MoreMonsterJam show, I really don't know what you are talking about. The new tracks, with numerous more hitpoints (12 ramps on the outside on the obstacle) and their multiple angles made runs, and momentum vastly superior to the previous arena show's I'd been to. For example, Morgan's run on Saturday, the only part when momentum was an issue, was after a bigger jump than I'd ever seen at Freedom Hall (Save possibly Jeremy Slifko in 2010) and a save. The other runs didn't really have a lot of coming to almost dead stops unless it was a newer driver, or an instance where they'd gotten to far outside, which really happens at any show, even giant stadiums. It's all subject to opinion, but the #MoreMonsterJam track looked amazing to me, and the video's of prior weeks shows have really proven it to me.
  15. So I took it out and put an old one in which worked fine, put the "broken" PSU in an old computer, and it somehow worked fine, so I put it back into my Lenovo and now everything is working fine... strange. I guess I missed some sort of loose connection.
  16. I put an old PSU from a 9 year old gateway and the thing works fine, minus not having enough wattage to power my graphics card and not having enough outputs to power my disk drive. I'm going to put it in the old gateway to make sure it wasn't a loose wire I missed, because if it isn't, I'm going to be pissed that the power supply hardly lasted me one year. Opinions on corsair PSU's and other brands are welcome, I need a new PSU pretty darn soon.
  17. I was going to clean the CPU fan but looked at it and it's got very little to no dust on it already. I doubted it would have been that anyways considering that I'm not even attempting to turn on the computer before this happens, I'm just connecting it to power and this is happening all on its own without me doing anything else.
  18. Too lazy to type up another report, but here's what I posted on /r/techsupport yesterday. I don't think there's any mega computer geniuses on sim monsters, but eh. Might as well. This may or may not be a virus, hoping not. So I turned off my computer to go to sleep and left it to shut down while I did something else, I came back two minutes later, and the power light is flashing, and it's revving at me like it wants to race me. After some hurried sleuthing I figured out it does this whenever connected to power (although I have not yet had a chance to use another outlet, other things work fine in this outlet). The on off cycle can only be stopped by turning off the power supply or unplugging the computer. Here is a video Things to know: -It's a Lenovo H420 desktop with a GTX 560 that I put in, and a corsair cx500. These are the only modifications other than a replaced disk drive, and all of these were done over a year ago. -today I used a seemingly faulty dvi input/dvi to VGA adapter/VGA cord to finally buy a new monitor that I have wanted to for a while, probably unrelated, but you never know... -the computer has never randomly blue screened. -every now and then, like weeks apart, when it would turn it on I would be met with a screen with the logo of the company that owns Lenovo, I think, and saying some error that I didn't record and didn't understand, it gave me the option to start anyway which I always chose, and it worked seemingly fine. -I just ran a (granted Norton) virus scan on huge computer Saturday and it found no issues. -being a teenager with no life, the PC gets a lot of use, but hasn't slowed down or anything, this is the first time I've ever had any real issue. -the hard drive light is not lighting up meaning that it's not being accessed, unless it is for a small amount of time before the computer turns off again, and before it can even indicate its usage. Does anyone have any idea if this is something simple? Or should I have saved my money one more day to pay for a large repair or worse, a new pc? Thanks! Edit: It runs Windows 7 64 bit OS Someone suggested to disconnect the powers which if possible (seemed like a bad idea when I went to do it) and reset the bios (this was done by removing the CMOS battery for 30-40 seconds). And nothing changed really. So if anyone know what might be problematic or knows of any good tech support forums or something to take this to that'd be great. I, not too enthusiastic about taking it to a computer repair place because all I ever hear is that they reset your hard drive and that's the last thing I want to happen. Thanks I guess.
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