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Everything posted by ABgamerX

  1. I have a tutorial on how to switch tires on your trucks:
  2. The shock settings on The Rod Ryan Show truck needs to be changed, they sit WAY too low on the truck.
  3. can you not post random stuff on dead threads anymore, it's really unnecessary and it makes it look like you're only here just to troll, just saying
  4. Also let's not revive 3 year old fun runs threads like these anymore, k?
  5. Check Sweg's GD 27 pack for Fire Grave Digger
    I like some of the creativity used for this map, especially the tire backflip ramp and a ramp where you can launch your self from the entrance into the center of the track 👍
  6. ^ What steiale said, also, use this guide to request trucks:
  7. Didn't feel like creating a new thread for my league since I don't feel it's necessary, so I'ma post my promotional video here instead:
  8. And btw, that's not the correct way to make a truck request, this is the correct way how to do it:
  9. Apparently a truck that was made just over a year ago isn't enough satisfaction?
  10. There is an uncloned texture. The Avenger 2018 shocks conflict with the Pickup Predator's shock EDIT: It also messed up Wrenchead 2001's sway bars and driveshaft textures turning them blue
  11. The Dunkin Donuts Center? yes it is
  12. Follow the guide requests he just posted when making a request ^ Also, a few versions of Fire Max-D are already in the works
  13. Not bad for your first completed track. I'd recommend for future reference to make sure some ramps line up straight and not curve to the right or left such as the one in this screenshot: If I need to edit a cross thread, then I do 1 of the 2 following things: rotate it back to the original 0/90 degree angle then edit them there, or I only edit them along the z-axis since editing them along the x/y axis is tricky on an angle. Also, the paint could use some touch ups in a few spots. And when you use these backflip dumpsters, try to export them as a separate mesh file and put it on the track as a non-collidable object and put a wall that's either JUST inside the dumpster or a wall that's transparent, since the dumpsters can grab onto your truck if you hit them the wrong way.
  14. A. It's a PEI B. There's already a version of Escalade on Sim Monsters: C. Please don't put BKT's on older trucks, it's just not right...
    Great track, my only criticism is that some of the ramps are a bit too steep
  15. Version 1.0.0


    #BringBackSSRS Credits: Me: Converting to .4 Rest: Edy Klayton Mark Colineri Liquidfire The dude who made the trees Zach Steele MTM2 Google
  16. Name: Adam Boyne Truck: Bounty Hunter Link: Discord: ABgamerX (Adam B ) ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ#4455
  17. for future fun run posts, put more info in the description, such as the track you're running on, the truck you're using, which version of ROR, discord info (or any other means of communicating to drivers), and/or any other info you want to include
  18. That's not how signing up works. You either have the truck, or you don't, don't tell us to find the link. If you don't have the truck, choose something else that isn't already chosen. If you have the truck, then post the link.
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