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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Kudos for sticking with it Danny and props to those that were involved or assisted in any manner. Been awhile since I have been this interested in ROR.
  2. Driver: Currently Unemployed FELD Athlete #19 Truck: Speed Energy Discord: Teamspeak bro Hometown (Optional): CIFPO Download Link: Truck Song (Optional):
  3. Sir Mixalot coming at you with a classic
  4. still working, for better or worse. been getting alot of mountain biking in otherwise, I feel for the people who are basically locked down in their homes at the moment.
  5. You might notice moving forward that the upload pages for tracks and trucks have changed a bit. It is relatively basic but something that people were asking for. There are going to be some growing pains with its implantation but it will work hand in hand with a few more changes that will be happening in the near future. If you have an questions/comments or concerns please post below! Track uploads: Truck Uploads credit fields:
  6. https://docs.rigsofrods.org/gameplay/installing-content/
  7. Pack update, quite a bit of new stuff, bunch of revisions, etc
  8. couple of brand new builds out of the Team Throttle Monster
  9. @nks1996 Had to go digging for reference photos but I think these should suffice
  10. @Wizeguy it is the most current chassis that Meents and Elliott are running
  11. the hint is in the cradle area of who the second TMS chassis that was being built alongside the new Saigon Shaker is for
  12. @NitroMenace you are correct, to be fair not much posted for either truck though
  13. Barely Tame is also making a return thanks to the Rettew camp
  14. Robbins family have a second truck again New Saigon Shaker is finished Nothing But Trouble has a new scheme/name
  15. Anyone who saw Buddy's launch at Tampa last night might have been wondering why he coasted to a stop with the truck running and ended his run. Not good Harper has a new body for one of his trucks
  16. new Xtermigator body Wildside sporting a more standard pickup body and chassis has debuted
  17. forget engine placement, lets focus on tube framed death traps
  18. Outlawed


    I would like there to be. If there is a season, it will be short (4-5 events) and probably after MJ World Finals. Gives me a couple of months to take a defib pack to what I was working on.
  19. Figured it was time to remember how to make things again oh and this was needing a desperate update:
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