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Monster Truck Gimmicks

Casey Graves

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There have been alot of pretty good monster truck gimmicks over the years like Colt Cobra driving Snake Bite in the 90s to the "mystery" driver in NWO with Chad Fortune as the NWO spokes person. Just wanted to see what was everyones favorite gimmicks and have a fun and open discussion about them.

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i'm not certain that this is the point of the thread, but my favorite gimmick, in all honesty is the backflip.

yeah, it's put ryan in a neck brace, yeah it's garish and overdone. but you can't deny that 10.000 pounds of machine 40 feet in the air upside down isn't cool, even if it's been blown a little out of proportion of late, but i'm fairly certain that as gimmicks go, a backflip is far preferrible to chad fortune in lesbian's hair going "GET OUT OF HERE. THE ENGINE'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS"

lesser of several dozen evils i suppose

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yeah i only find backflips cool when they are done by accident like Ryan almost did in Baltimore or like Brutus almost did in Chase Field last year when he hit the table top and flipped it backwards really fast

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