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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" Thread 2014


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Who ever the mystery driver is they're done for the season with a broken foot from that door of the suburban.  Thanks track official lady.

But in all seriousness i think the driver might either be Lupe or George.  By looking at the person "escaping" into the suburban and listening to the driver working the throttle i'm leaning more towards lupe from this video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_7-9u7FFoI

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I thought I was the only one who saw the track official slam the door. They rushed the event to the max. I heard Frank Krmel almost got injured because he flipped his truck and they were flipping it back over while he was trying to get out. Luckily he didnt get hurt.

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the event was really rushed, I do agree to that. And yes Krmel is really lucky he didn't get hurt. Anyways Digger 30 looks to be performing up to expectation it seems for Dennis Anderson, even though as normal he steps foot in the truck for the first time in Houston...remember Digger 19. Anyways show was really awesome! It seems there was a backflip ramp, but no one hit it...I could of been mistaken and it was just a really steep ramp ment for sky wheelies. The ramp in question is on the short side of the bus stack and on the inside right next to the table top. No one ever hit it, but maybe they were told not to. Anyways rambling on here, was glad to see an Anderson vs Anderson final even though a Meents/Anderson final would of been sweet and also no one went for trying to clear the triple, the only thing close was I think Max-D and he would of landed in the no-mans between the 2nd and 3rd jump if he didn't aim for the downramp on the table top.

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tom meents did say to someone his foot hurts....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

and I love the mystery thing goin on...and I bet that new truck aint in the 2014 yearbook either....cause it wont be at pit parties..so idk. this might actually be a fun exciting year for MJ minus the purple everywhere lol

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The driver was tall, lanky and probably walking with a limp after his foot got slammed in the door trying to get into the SUV

My theory was if Rod Ryan was driving his own truck, Dan Evans would be in the new truck.

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I can explain why it is Tom. Think about it, Tom went relatively early in the draw, and when he came out, he went straight for the ramp that he did in his actual FS. Plus, he went extreme big and held it for the whole time. The throttle was pretty much spot on his, and when he flipped he practically held it down. Nobody really does that, apart from Tom. When he got out, the driver was taller than the officials. Another thing, Every single event where there are 15 trucks listed, Tom's at them. Coincidence? I think not.

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