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Hot Shoe

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Everything posted by Hot Shoe

  1. You and you ALONE are the one that needs to get over himself. No one else. Yes it is a game and yes it is meant to be played for fun. Yet, even with games there is a set of rules that you need to abide by. That goes with all the IDS rules in place, for all participants and staff included. Just because this is a game does not give you ANY sort of justification as to continue on with your freestyle at your leisure. You could have done that offline after you had your turn. You were highly inconsiderate and disrespectful to not only the IDS officials, but the other participants. You had no right to do what you did. What's more pathetic is that you came into this event an alternate. Were it not for that, you wouldn't have had the opportunity to participate. Instead of being grateful and enjoying the chance that was given to you to participate in IDS, you chose to squander it by behaving like the immature punk you are. For no reason, you decided to be disrespectful, and not follow the rules. That's your own fault. Man up and take responsibility for your actions, instead of coming here trolling to satisfy some pathetic need for self importance. You're not impressing anyone. For the final time: THIS ENDS NOW.
  2. That is entirely your own fault. I tell you this: You've already caused a lot of grief. DO NOT continue to bring it here in this particular part of the forum. It ends now.
  3. Indeed. It wouldn't be a replica without it...
  4. Lol, Nick. I'm online now. I will be available to qualify entrants until 6pm tonight. Message me now if you haven't qualified yet!
  5. I'm available today from now until about 6pm tonight. Message HotShoeMTRacing to get your qualifying runs in!
  6. Any time the changes don't appear and the track/files give problems.
  7. Obdata might not be the only thing causing this issue. From my experience: I've controlled the obdata before just for my tracks to do that after export. If you have toolkit (and the time and patience to deal with it),...open toolkit. Select your track, click the mesh, and use whatever corresponding arrows that control the adjustment of the mesh to correctly place the track how you need it. After making the adjustment (with the mesh still selected), press enter on the keyboard for good measure. Save the track. Not save as. SAVE. Then check to see if that fixed it. If you don't want to mess with toolkit, you have to manually adjust the numbers (blindly) until the track is the right way up. Or if that doesn't work, delete your existing .terrn file. Select an existing .terrn file from any track, and change the fields to what they need to be for the mesh name of your track. Sometimes this has been the only way to make the track snap out of whatever ridiculous glitch it has gotten stuck on. Also, from personal experience: if you are trying to make changes/additions to a track, control obdata, etc, but the changes/additions don't show up, rename the fesh file with a new, fresh, unique mesh name for the track, and change the fields of your .cfg, terrn., or .odef files to match.
  8. Talking about firsts... I rarely do well at all on my own tracks. The first IDS Funrun on San Marco I failed to make due to a flip in qualifying. In a fun run on NLS3, I qualified last, and rolled in round one. I also hardly ever qualify as well as my practice runs feel. On this track, I feel 98% solid. I had two solid, consistent qualifying passes, and for the first time in my time with RoR, I'm fastest qualifier for an event. I'm hoping I can keep my whits about me and drive like I know I can. Hot Shoe is ready to rock! The truck feels good, the track is fantastic (if I do say so myself), I feel good, and I'm feeling confident. I'm looking forward to a fun, successful first official event in IDS!
  9. I am online ready to qualify all entrants until 6pm tonight. Remember that qualifying for this event is CLOSED at 10pm TONIGHT, so message us to get your runs in. And if anyone had an issue locating the track in the list, type in RCF, and you'll find it. Message HotShoeMTRacing to get your runs in!
  10. I'm online now and available for qualifying until 8pm. If you wish to qualify, MESSAGE ME NOW!
  11. Amazing work on Avenger. Keep up the excellent work guys!
  12. This man here! Hot Shoe is dialed in. I'm ready to have some fun and tear it up at Remington County Fairgrounds!
  13. I see where that is going. Klayton, That already looks amazing! I look forward to seeing the rest of that beauty!
  14. No. Not to be mean but I already told you that he was on your tailgate for the second and third time around.
  15. I thought you said you couldn't texture, PC. Team Meents looks fantastic!
  16. No, it wouldn’t be hard to do, but as Outlawed said, it’d be an extra effort that not many of us will be willing to make. Focusing on the discussion of tracks having varying stages of fs/wear marks, I’ll use Rock as an example: many of his tracks now come with two different versions: a track using a size/lag friendly 1024 image, and tracks using a detailed 2048 image. Now to achieve the process of having multiple versions/stages of a fs track (texture wise), you would need 3 or 4 different fs track textures, used on 3 or 4 different meshes, using 3 or 4 different .cfg, .odef, and .terrn files so that they’ll be 3 or 4 different tracks in game for the tracks that use either the 1024 images or 2048 images alone. This would bloat the file. It stands to reason that a bigger file will cause more lag. And all of that to please a small group of people who gripe over the cosmetics of a track? Sorry, but that’s just not a lot of effort that many of us are willing to go to. For me, that’d quickly become a unneeded, tedious, annoying process. Now here is something that may come as a shock to many of you. It may come off as me being an a-hole. It may come off sounding too strong. If that’s the case, so be it. I’m just very passionate about what I do and very opinionated on the subject. Here it is: When I make tracks, I don’t make them for the community. I make tracks to relieve stress and let off some steam while doing something constructive or fun. I make tracks for ME. When I release a track, that’s my choice. I don’t have to release these tracks publicly. I choose to share them with you. As a creator, I have the right to do whatever I deem necessary to my tracks to ensure the vision that I had for my tracks are intact, and for them to feature whatever it may be that I would like to see on my track. This does not include having 3 or 4 or 5 different versions of a fs track with the only varying differences being in cosmetic details. So what’s next? Will people complain because my tracks feature too many jammer hits leading to a post stating how you’d like to see different obstacles on my tracks other than a jammer because a small group of you don’t like it? Will this type of complaint continue on to my other specific venues? What if I’ve accomplished making version 4 or 5 of my San Marco series of tracks? Will you post how you’d like to see me work on different tracks/venues because you’re tired of San Marco and would like to see something else? In the end, I build tracks on my time for my enjoyment. I’m not about to change the content or the way I build them because a small group of people don’t like the cosmetics or features that are included on my tracks. Take them, or leave them.
  17. ORL is currently running on Saturdays. Alex Vester's (runt9) IDS league has been going through pre season testing and runs Thursday's. Both Robbie and I help with that. Trans Am had almost completed an RoR version of our Renegade truck. Last time I talked to him he put RoR on hold and wasn't messing with it.
  18. We'll have to talk Nick. I can't get my MTM2 to work on my Windows 7 64 bit. Still have my original disc, btw.
  19. Looking great Johan! Sorry I didn't respond to you on AIM I was in the middle of helping out in IDS. As I said, can't wait to see the rest of your work on this truck! Keep it up!
  20. How do you think I feel right now, Robbie? I'm the only active IRT member in RoR! Lol.
  21. Hardly. As far as I'm concerned you haven't lost your touch.
  22. In MTM2 it was easier to add additional obstacles while masking them through the different graphic levels. I believe they were sparse (best for online and best fps possible), normal (mid way graphic setting), and complex (most detailed). You could set models to specific levels. When set to sparse, say an rv for later on in fs would be hidden (helpful for racing versions to hide fs obstacles and reduce lag). On complex, the rv would be present, with all of that contained on one track/file. That still doesn't answer the question about wear marks on tracks. You couldn't set different textures to different graphic levels in MTM2. If you don't like our tracks having wear marks, consider learning how to make your own tracks. Then you can ignore adding wear marks on your own tracks to keep you kids happy.
  23. I've only decided so far on one track to leave the paint alone, and that track is my upcoming ORL Figure 8 Shootout @ Mankato Speedway. Reason I made the decision is because I worked too hard to give that track life, personality, and to make the speedway truly play "host" to ORL. I felt that by making a worn version I would rid the track of that personality I worked so hard to achieve. That's just me. The other reason was that those flames were such a pain to paint and texture there was no way I was wearing down my artwork. Lol. In the end, my tracks will continue to feature "worn" textures if I feel they are needed or if I feel like featuring them. I don't feel that it makes the track look bland. The only reason for it looking "bland" is I'm not as skilled to make "wear marks" on my tracks unlike Klayton who is just masterful at anything he sets his hands too. My "wear marks" are basically the same patches of dirt remapped on the model. That is until I get better skillz at wear marks, or Klayton shares with me his secrets.
  24. Hey Losi! Glad to see your name pop up again! I've been building stuff in the game for nearly a year. It's been interesting getting adjusted to things thus far. Great to have you!
  25. Haven't had anyone contact me yet. I'm available now until 8:30. Tomorrow I should be available from 4pm to 8pm. Message me if you'd like to qualify!
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