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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. We will consider another mock shit storm for the possible future but in order for it to seem genuine you will not be informed on the time.
  2. Leave to go for dinner for a couple of hours and get to come back to one of the most epic shit storms I have ever witnessed. Thank you to those that chose to steer clear of that mess and to those that decided to be involved will be dealt with accordingly once I can sift through all of the crap that got posted. But for now temporary bans on said members and just in case those wonderful people want to continue their immaturity (Glad to see you outgrew it from your time in MTM2 TJ!), admin approved new account registration has been put in place for the time being (or hopefully become a permanent feature). Now back to your regular scheduled programming.
  3. you have to externally link the image using the Insert other media, Insert image from URL.
  4. No totally, thank you for reposting things that you either said already or just learned about like the rest of us over the course of a week and a half. Locking this thread due to it being redundant.
  5. hall brothers have some new grills 19 gets racer stripes
  6. I have a 7mph difference between 37 and 4.5 in first gear and a 2 mph difference in second. Dunno what that is about but honestly the speeds need to be reeled back to be more correct (waiting for confirmation from a driver for a more generic top speed per gear number). Which is fine as I have full intentions on producing a useable base be it Box5's or my own. The only thing left for me is to have a couple of fun runs to get accustomed to it (incase there are any quirks) but I am 99% sure that SMRA will be using 4.5 for the upcoming season.
  7. Name: Nicholas Kozak AIM: OutlawedRacing Truck Name: Canadian Crippler Truck Link (if updated from original signup): (IF DEEMED LEGAL FOR USE) http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1778-canadian-crippler-2015/ If not deemed legal I will run this version http://www.mediafire.com/download/82ai87664sld81b/2015SMRA+Crippler.zip
  8. Screenshots for files on here are blank because we no longer host photos (or files for that matter) on the site server. It has to be linked externally. And monsterjam1, I am assuming that you do not realize that the search function has categories
  9. That was me, all they said was "Soon". Vagueness FTW!
  10. Give it some time, it is happening.
  11. Most people use Manual shift-Auto Clutch since that yes monster trucks use automatic transmissions but use manual valve bodies.
  12. That case looks slick.
  13. In regards to the actual game engine? No idea, I am not entirely up to speed anymore on it. I have 4 different ROR version on my PC and never had an issue with asking to remove newer or older versions, do you have the ability to put 37 on a external memory device?
  14. Best entry level wheel is the G27, I would recommend it to a first time wheel user.
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