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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Shinedowns new album dropped today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itwt_opsvQ
  2. Outlawed


    Looking like this more thing died during birth.
  3. What version of ROR are you using? What does the ROR.log located in Documents/Rigs of Rod/Logs say? Open it and scroll to the bottom it will tell you what is causing the truck crashing if it is a missing file.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/Freedom-Racing-Monster-Trucks-1654604234768988/timeline/ Apparently there is a new Cyclops monster truck in the works (aswell as the restoration of the original one)
  5. Thanks for the referrals I guess, and Andrew at some point your going to have to just let it go, move on with your life. He is a non factor in this community and you know it.
  6. Not really, this is Mahon's Scooby Doo (pictured as Ironman when Dustin drove it), that section has always been pretty short. The front towers bend similar to how the Diggers chassis do. Be interesting to see what it ends up being.
  7. or it was already damaged before it went in.
  8. It s a Cohen, I can see two vertical braces for the rear shock tower from the main rail and the front nose is missing the bowtie but if it was there it would be to tight to be a CRD. Angle of the photo does not really show if the wheelbase is shorter but FELD generally keeps things the same so that spares like 4 link bars and stuff are interchangeable between trucks. The bar that runs from where the shocks mount to the main rail might tuck more tightly due to whatever body is going on it (Duhon's new Zombie chassis is like this). Also with it being a "standard" truck cab it is not going to be a new Captains Curse or Monster Mutt (unless they are finally moving the other two mutts to the new mold that Rotty uses.
  9. Did anyone else have an issue with his server? How bad is your internet speed? http://www.speedtest.net/
  10. if you can, put the phone and rice into a ziplock bag or tupperware container (the point is for it to be air tight). If the phone was dead or off your chances of it surviving without any damage will be great, if not there will be a good chance there will be something wrong with it. Granted I say that and I had an ipod that went through the washing machine, left it in a bag of rice for a week, still worked but the backlight stopped working. I updated it a week or so ago and it re activated the backlight (since it did not work I turned it off) and the freaking light worked.
  11. Name: Calgary Venue: Stampede Fairgrounds Racing Style: Chicago Replica or Custom: Replica Date Ran: September Images/Graphics: Other details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQBmr5i5Y7c
  12. Rosalee does not have the benefit of having Meents for a step father nor a corporation flying her in and out of events. Calgary floor looked great this year
  13. Bit of irony here I suppose but Kevin nailed another backflip
  14. Uh lets step back to reality here for a second, Rosalee has done only a handful of events driving (and only recently became of age to drive in FELD shows). Good driver but going to need more seat time. Roy has only recently been winning (and winning alot) so I could see him being there next year seeing as JR is usually there anyways. Kevin is hit or miss, over his career he has shown he can drive really well but his equipment has always been his drawback. Zane seemed to take a step back last year after taking several steps forward in terms of driving ability and equipment quality. As for Trent not being in the YGS this year, you guys realize that these people are booked for vegas before the 1 quarter starts right? Creten's trucks are usually booked solid all year (the CRD BH was running the same weekend as Vegas this year IIRC). Ontop of that to travel to Vegas for Kevin or Zane would be more expensive then what they would be paid, I remember talking to Tim Mente (who was there on display with both trucks last year) who said the only reason they were in Vegas was because they had several shows to do on the way back home to cover the cost of trucking across the country. This is why you see people grouping up on travel (Crushstation with Kohler, Jester with McNeil. etc) to cut down on the cost.
  15. Interesting, I have mine unzipped at just under 3 gigs and have never had an issue.
  16. I don't wander much into this section of the forum but I feel bad I missed this thread before, nice work man!
  17. D3D is Direct 3D Rendering system, from the looks of the log your Rendering Device (your video card) is not selected correctly (if you are not running a integrated video card). It is listed under Settings/Render System/Rendering Device
  18. Sorry to hear that Ryan, are you on a laptop or desktop? (cannot remember) I might have a spare HD kicking around I could send you.
  19. hit me up on aim tomorrow around dinner time (5pst)
  20. Went together quickly but again stuck waiting for some more photos of the cab area
  21. that has nothing to do with operating systems, you have to run the ROR config, that is what the error is saying.
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