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Everything posted by Ten

    solid paint scheme but damn i haven't seen a cradle that slammed since Nathan Hils and Vinny were around here lol
  1. yo man you forgot to smooth the chassis
  2. He didn’t just run it at the finals lol, it ran during the entire 06 season lol. It already exists in Sweg’s pack, go get it
  3. Oh I know lol. Common Michealesko failure as usual
  4. he got the ghost right but not the hotwheels logos. imagine.
    excellent pack, and they're a blast to drive. paint could have used a slight refresh including the World Championship logos, custom yellow magnaflow zoomies, AAPMJ logos, and working headlights on The Legend, but otherwise a damn solid pack. the shock reservoirs are a nice touch too.
    duuuuuude these are awesome
  5. once you get the track and everything properly textured, do you think we could get a version of this that just has the drag strip without any crush cars? I'd LOVE to set up my own shows on the strip, and also potentially do burnside drag racing.
    Nicely done! Kinda sad that the extra details it had in 2000-2002 (the ford firewall built into the cab of the body, and the rearviews) weren't included, but honestly it serves it's purpose and I know you wanted to crank it out as a quick reprieve from your Bigfoot marathon. Overall 10/10, nice to see a good classic Madusa finally on the site. Keep up the good work!
  6. if you're interested, that Bounty Hunter wound up becoming the first Airborne Ranger that Cypher ran for World Finals 1
    the glow in the dark flames that the truck has IRL would have been a nice touch, but overall nicely done.
    bro the body on this thing's in low earth orbit, giving fistbumps to DirecTV's satellites. Also, missing the front sway bars despite the bracket clearly being on the front. I'm kinda surprised Chadwick let you post this with all of those easily fixable screwups.
    just a heads up, when it's spawned in with Devastator 2021 it has a red racesource tangled in it's chassis for some reason.
  7. Name- Tenacity BethkeTruck- Unnamed & Untamed Backup Truck: Rat AttackTruck Link- TBADiscord- Tenacity (She/Her)#1312
  8. yo could you spot me that Crushtacion and Higher Ed?
  9. Name: Tenacity BethkeDiscord: Tenacity (She/Her)#1312
  10. can you also place crushables on the step-up?
    inb4 some kid comes in screaming about it not being an open custom lol
    I dig it! The only feedback I honestly have aside from my usual "bleh no body mounts" bs is that the Cheetah body for Sting should be significantly shorter in the back. It was supposed to be a tiny thing when the cheetah was originally designed for Hitman, and they only lengthened it when they reused it for Spider-Man. Otherwise, nicely done as always! Keep making the good stuff lol
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