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Show Your Projects Chapter 41


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Yeah...probably should have put new props or something before showing. My B.

What there really needs to be is someone like Andrew or any of the members who model truck bodies to make a new Willys Body

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This is done






This is not.  



And I need help with it.  See the red circle?  I'm using paint.net to paint the track and I want the blue and yellow color of the dirt to be the same colors as what's on the bus.  When I overlay the paint texture on the dirt it becomes dark and no matter what I do with the hue/saturation it doesn't get any brighter.  Also the same thing with the van stacks shown by the black circle.  I want the green dirt color to be the same as the green van texture.  The yellow and green need to be lighter but I don't know what else to change.


Any suggestions or tips on what I would do to change the color?

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Have the paint in one layer and the dirt in another. 

Lower the opacity of the paint layer to about 70 or 75% and then merge the paint layer to the dirt layer and then overlay the new merged layer onto the bake.

Only do this at the end and make sure you have a copy of the paint where the paint isn't merged to the dirt.

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So I made it newer than it used to be. Don't know much about fixing it up more so please don't grill me too hard.  :unsure:

Yeah using newer props will make it look a lot better. Definitely a truck that needs an update though. That track hasnt been released has it?

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so you changed the tires? 


While it may not be the most impressive thing, we all have to start learning somewhere. I'm not directing this at anyone but something I still don't understand is how quick everyone jumps on someone trying to learn how to build something and while it may not be the best or most impressive why not try and be somewhat thankful that new people are at least trying to learn? I don't ever remember anything like this happening in MTM2 or even the early days of SM. Yes, you're all entitled to your opinions but you don't have to be a dick about it. (Insert comment wars here)



I'm surprised no one has decided to take the offroad body style and combine it with say... the Willys body.



Megamerc and Mad Dog II look quite interesting though I do see a few normals issues on the chassis for Megamerc.... but that's also why it's called the "Show Your Projects" thread.

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