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Everything posted by dd908

  1. Keep the graphics on it, but move the logo down more to the side of the body. Looks... odd as it is right now.
  2. Well... lol I always get club level seats at MetLife Stadium. The stadium is still pretty much new and club level is amazing, especially when it's 90-something degrees outside and you get to walk into crisp, cool A/C. They're cool and all... but speedways and fairgrounds are where it's at.
  3. Lower section seats usually suck for me because I can miss a roll over or something in a certain area because of the freaking tall obstacles that Monster Jam builds now. Top level is always the best for me. Exactly. You can see it right here.
  4. As far as I know, Aaron joined Flame and Bryan Wright took his spot on Racesource.
  5. He isn't at East Rutherford, and more than likely won't at Foxborough, too.
  6. I hear ya. I think you should have worded it differently, because having very popular sponsors on board doesn't necessarily make it more "legitimate", but more or less would make it reach out to a broader audience to attract different markets and groups in to watch shows.
  7. How does that help legitimize the sport? I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the logic here.
  8. It was sold to a husband and wife down in Atlanta, but I have no idea on who they are otherwise.
  9. I think Frank did get a bit underscored for his run because a 17 was just a tad bit harsh for filling all of the time. Even though it was a lackluster performance, 17 seemed low. On another note, we're already starting a discussion thread for next year's World Finals after this year's concluded 5 days ago? Interesting...
  10. Very happy to be part of a Monster Jam world championship winning team!

  11. I highly doubt we'll ever see an extra turn at Vegas. It's been talked about before for many years, but I still don't think they'll do it. Too many risks involved with adding that element to it.
  12. That body's not even happening anyway...
  13. This body was before Over Bored anyway. This was my favorite World Finals Avenger body, whereas the white one is... eh. It has great potential, but the bone lettering kills it for me.
  14. Depends on if David gets booked by Monster Jam to run their events.
  15. The deal with Flame Motorsports running the NEA Police and Monster Mutt Rottweiler bodies ended after the More Monster Jam tour concluded, so Colt will be driving a CRD chassis with the NEA Police body on it for the YGS.
  16. This is the best Young Guns Shootout line up to date. I will go out on a limb and say that with no regret. Everybody here has talent and potential, so the racing will be intense as long as everyone's trucks hold together.
  17. There's 1 more spot left in the World Finals and 5 more in the Young Guns Shootout. Speaking of very well deserved Young Guns Shootout spots getting filled...
  18. You have two rear steering pumps. Two.
  19. I would say that Madusa is recognizable because the truck is extremely marketable and very recognized among the common fans.
  20. My assumption is that his sponsor of Nitro Lubricants is stepping up to title sponsor him.
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