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Everything posted by dd908

  1. Landon drove it once in Las Vegas, and that was fairly well known to those on Facebook (depending if you keep up on Facebook or not), and that's where this whole inside joke sprouts from. A lot of people on here might even know about it because of all the Facebook chatter on it. I'm not singling you out for not knowing it, I'm just restating what everyone else has already said in other discussions; that's all.
  2. I still like how people think it's Landon Wells driving Doom's Day. Hahaha
  3. Storm Damage will actually remain as Storm Damage that weekend. Hurricane Force will be campaigning the Northern Nightmare body with Apples driving.
  4. General Hazzard was sold to Paul Breaud of Xtreme Monster Sports back in the summer of 2012. Ryan will also still continue to own Rattler.
  5. Well, that kid is wrong because Rob Poutre of 310 Racing based out of Vermont just finalized his purchase of Incinerator as well as the hauler and all spare parts. He's not going to run the Incinerator name, but he will run the same body mold with a totally new design and name on it. Ryan has two more contracted events with it and it'll be in Rob's possession by mid-March. And in case me putting down this information in text isn't enough to satisfy my loyal critics out there, here's your proof:
  6. That is some serious damage to any truck, but for a 23 year old truck, that would easily put it into retirement. It's sad to see another piece of history have to get forcefully benched for a bad wreck like that, but regardless, Bigfoot 4x4, INC. got a hell of a run with that truck. JR can add another notch on his belt for doing something like that!
  7. Steven's save in St. Louis is nothing compared to Lupe's and Neil's, which will really make it hard to try to nominate considering there have been other good saves. Yes, it was a good save, but nothing spectacular compared to other potential nominees.
  8. Hopefully they widened up the wheelbase on that truck or one wonky one-wheeled landing and those 4-link bars can get wadded up with no problem. Otherwise, Zach and Greg did a phenomenal job on making their truck look great (as they always do) and hopefully Zach does great in it.
  9. Keyboard warriors make me laugh.

  10. Rollover response skillz to dah maxxxxxxxxximum.
  11. It's a darn shame to see the Moons sell that beautiful piece already before doing any competition with it. It did a few displays and a few test-n-tune sessions, and I do believe it did do one public car crush.
  12. Haha; I get a good chuckle out of all this. Way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. You keyboard warriors try way too hard at this stuff. But what if it's not Landon Wells... what if it's... Mr. TBA?
  13. I agree, I think a baked chassis texture looks pretty stinking cool. You just have to texture it and bake it properly. I've made the mistake of not baking it properly many times before.
  14. It's an on-board wind up adjuster to play around with the valving on the front shocks.
  15. I honestly think this is the record. Yesterday, I counted 37 cars and 1 minivan. Oh, and me and Steven Thompson went ice skating on shock fluid, but that's another story...
  16. I still think you should give them monster truck sounds so it sounds so bad a** when they drive up then when they finally come in sight... well, you know...
  17. It's more than likely to try out a different way of the overall handling to the truck. A shorter wheelbase can allow for tighter turning, but it also affects the way the truck reacts to turns and jumps all together. 4-link bar placement is key when shortening or expanding the wheelbase, but there are other factors involved that can affect handling. Overkill Evolution is one truck that has a wheelbase on a little bit of the shorter side, but handles considerably well because of the top 4-link bars being a little more spread out than the average set-up. The shock angle also plays a role in it too.
  18. I'm liking the body on it, but I hope you do realize that the chassis needs to get risen up quite a bit...
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