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Everything posted by Feld_Motorsports

  1. I dont see why not. I mean tom drove a willman in arenas, i dont see why colton cant.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A (Im Back) Gift 😄 CREDITS Thargo-Made The Stadium RockCrwlr (Vehicle Models, Various Textures) Hot Shoe (Crowd Texture) MJKProductions (Hot Wheels Banner) Google (Various Textures) Mark Colineri (Roof Texture) me 😄- Conversion
  4. Yea what Outlawed said is correct.
  5. Well if your that curious why don't you try it yourself? It isn't that hard now is it?
  6. Breakable? Does it say Breakable Ice Cream Man 2018? No. So what makes you think it is breakable? Seriously stop asking stupid questions. Its pretty obvious that it isn't breakable.
  7. Then eithee keep trying or don't try at atll. Why would you make a new post when there litterally are tutorials on youtube? Makes zero sence.
  8. Ok. Usually for that situation you can't extract folders that are on the desktop path because of some permission. I've tried to fix that and tried to enable the option to move things into the programs x86 without that error but its hardly impossible to do it because 1. My age and the fact that I am still learning. 2. I don't know if what I'm gonna say is right but your trying to extract something into a application folder that is a and that it is trying to prevent you from messing up your application and screwing it up because they don't know what your trying to extract. Technically I kinda give full respect for trying to prevent you from messing up your applications because it is nice and curtious. Like I said I don't know if what i'm saying is right but i'm going off on what I know, or maybe know. Hope what I said helped you but it probably is useless.
  9. I seriously don't know what so hard about creating the files yourself. It isn't that hard.
  10. Thx captain obvious!!!!! We established that already, we your input about it. Please just check next time!!!!
  11. I don't know what is wrong with these .3 users btut it clearly says .4 for a reason. Not meant to be for .3 and if it was, i'm pretty sure the uploader would mention it.
  12. Its good that you brought this master piece back. I couldn't get the latest one to work because the tires would start to fold in and the wheels would to... Can't wait to test it out when I get home.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
  13. Here is a suggestion. Try to fix the 2018 breakable Brutus. I can't get anything to show up.
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