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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Hagan James is no longer a suspended driver
  2. Mike Barnes was a really underrated driver and it seemed like just as he was showing what he could do he got out the business. Major bummer.
  3. Uh ya two posts above asked for reference photos, thanks for the download though!
  4. http://www.mediafire.com/download/mz71yh6pjlxzhet/MaxD_Morgan.zip
  5. Sounds like something on your laptops end then, I have been running the same ROR since I started playing back in 08 (that includes moving it over from my old PC's harddrive to my current one). Your computer has not updated anything recently and you are certain that the cpu/memory usage is within check?
  6. Well if your running an event, judging, live streaming, etc you kinda need to see everyone lol. Most of the people that have fps issues with multiple trucks know in advance to remove any trucks they might see, but connection speed also is a big factor aswell. The possible work around for this is to make dummy truck files (aslong as the truck file has the same name the truck will show up ingame) with lesser quality models (I made one for when I am hosting/running an event so the possibility of someone racing seeing me is zero (most people just use a stock v4 truck but everyone will see that). You remember Jet when he used to race online? same deal, truck is jumpy, warps alot and slow to react to prompts such as go, RII or time is up. I dunno about common practice it has just always been something I have done, basically when a really well done replica truck is released I extract it to my already unzipped V4 pack (since anything unzipped is used as a directory by ROR anyways). This plays on the fact that most people end up taking stuff off these newer trucks to use on their own. But a content update zip of commonly used "accessory" meshes and models would be a good idea since not everyone is going to download every single truck.
  7. Nothing changed in terms of ROR config settings? And I assume you have tried different trucks and tracks?
  8. how big is your ROR folder? Maybe try removing unused zips (tracks and trucks) and see if it makes a difference.
  9. Simply put, almost all of the online racing takes part on 37, nobody really cares to make their trucks and tracks for 38 or newer because of it. There are some differences between in the truck and terrain files as you move along the newer builds but nothing from those releases ever came up as "gotta have this we need to move onto a newer version". Complacency is part of the issue, but this is mtm2 circa the last few years when it was only really me, Jet and PM making trucks. Almost nobody new here makes anything, with zero interest in learning unless you hold their hand to figure stuff out. I am not trying to be rude when I say that but when you try to help and all you get is a "lol this is hard can you just do it for me" what motive is there to help? The prospect of starting over from scratch onto a newer version is more appealing then trying to drag what we have with us because it is that bad (anyone who has gotten into the nitty gritty of it has realized this). Once version 4 has become more stable in a whole, I would be more then inclined to move on to it but it has to make sense in the long run. There is a bit more then to it then just sheer laziness and comparing it to mtm2 is unfair. In mtm2 trucks were a couple of Mb's (my Canadian Crippler was 1.12mb), in ROR a generic stand along truck is atleast 30-40Mb's (my SMRA truck which is a standalone is 45.8mbs, ZIPPED). 99% of the people on here use the same tires, 4 link bars, sway bar's and axle models (shockbody/shafts are the growing exception) as V4 or what is in the scrapyard, this alone can drop zip sizes in half. What I think needs to happen (and actually gives me an idea) is the most popular parts from newer trucks need to be added to the V4 base to help with those missing part errors people get. Again this is not mtm2 where it would default to a stock bearfoot truck that everyone would see, no ROR just straight crashes or the person is invisible for everyone in the server (but there is more to it then not having the truck zip which I will touch on in another response). I also miss having the pod mounting software of mtm2 where you could have all your pods in the mtm2 folder but you had to manually add them to the game vs ROR system of having to manually remove and add zips from the game folders. We (being the site staff) try not to limit peoples content upload on the restriction of not having their trucks as a stand alone, we used to try to but it was discourage people from uploading or even making stuff period because their stuff would not get approved. It was a lose/lose situation regardless of the stance we took. MTM2 you could host servers with dial up connection, ROR you need atleast 3mb's of upload to host a proper server free of slow network download warnings. Even with that your limited to how many trucks you can have in a server. With how the softbody calculations are online, there are alot of people that cannot handle having another truck visible onscreen without it causing FPS dropping straight to the floor. This game might be ahead of mtm2 in terms of how the trucks handle and feel but MTM2 was far better in terms of online racing. Yes I do think people would be interested though a bit hesitant to it at first seeing as it has never really been done (runt did try a few years back but disappeared off the face of the earth again). The perception of making events feel big time just goes with the territory I guess, none of the starting leagues on here were small affairs (even Dig's King of the Hill events were knuckle tossing affairs just to even sign up for). Teamspeak has been replaced with Discord recently and AIM is still used for race chats. I have been begging on deaf ears for no extra fluff for events for years, only league that follows the good ol' days of mtm2 is SMRA, I am biased when I say it (seeing as I am overseeing it completely next year and ran a tour last year) but it brought back what was fun for me racing again in ROR. I would run a league you put on in a heatbeat, even the less then ideal send off that was last season of PPRL has not tarnished what made it great. I know Chadwick is planning on running a leafer league on here (getting some help from a few other members to tweak the current leafers into a more usable online racing pack). It is not entirely impossible just needs the commitment.
  10. Except nobody can read because it has to be stated over and over again that other then the V4 .38 pack, THE TRUCKS UP FOR DOWNLOAD ON THIS SITE ARE MADE FOR 37!
  11. I thought him and mitch where a joint ownership, my bad.
  12. Nope since lawyers were involved right from the get go with Identity Theft (this is why the truck debuted as Rage in a Cage since the original scheme was deemed too similar to Grave Digger). Payne's parodies are legally allowable.
  13. Shane Phreed will be driving War Wizard this 1st Q, some may remember the name as he used to drive Robo Machine and Just Get'r Done
  14. What version of ROR are you using? Check the scrapyard for tire models and textures that you might need. Most of the stuff on here was made for 37.
  15. In Vegas all they did was swap bodies on NEA and Doomsday (NEA was actually Doomsday for the whole year and Doomsday was actually Norm Miller's NEA chassis, though Norm did not drive it in Vegas).
  16. Well other then it was pretty common knowledge who was driving Doomsday last year (Vegas basically confirmed it), has Doomsday even been listed in any of the lineups for this coming year? It is not listed on the truck portion of the site either.
  17. check your ROR log located in My Documents(or Documents)/Rigs of Rod/Logs/ROR.log Open the log up and scroll to the bottom, anytime the game crashes due to a truck or track it will list the reason why.
  18. did you download the .38 compatible V4 pack, because the normal one will not work correctly in 38
  19. Please do consider releasing the rims and tires on the scrapyard, I would love to try a few on my SMRA truck!
  20. You would think so but you would be amazed at how many bitter individuals would disagree with that statement lol. And I meant completely off the leash for freestyle with maybe a 2-3 second count for people to recover their trucks (since crab walking once on your side can put you back onto your tires pretty easily once you get the hang of it) before calling a FS run done. Racing would have to have a crash is done type system though V4 trucks are so easy to make into tokyo drift machines that would require a D9 bulldozer to hit them to get them to highside (kinda like Payne's floating 4 link Rolling Thunders lol). I genuinely think that the community has over saturated itself with "realistic" rulings and need to experience what fun is.
  21. Eric Swanson is the first to show his new Lonestar chassis
  22. Devils advocat here but Matt has been driving for less then a year at this point and only has ever been on Goodyears. I am not here to enforce my opinion on the matter onto people, nor do I see people who do buy the tires as "selling out" but you cannot be so blind as to cite "well if he says they are good, then that is good enough for me" as a part of your counter view. There is more to this then just having to buy an overly expensive, poor performing tire then you think. Sure Matt can afford the tires, but what about others in the same predicament and aspirations but without the funds...
  23. >>seem to be happy with them >>basically forced to buy them or risk not having a full 1st Q with MJ >>first instance of indy team showing any positivity towards those round rubber formed poo discs okeydayden
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