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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" 2K17 Thread


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Blah track aside in Toronto, Saturday night was pretty damn good. Great racing, Coty is an utter mad man. I cannot wait to see what he will be doing in the coming years.

Freestyle was way better than I expected, Becky McDonough won freestyle with solid momentum, some good jumps with one big one, and a slap wheelie into one wheel then using the breaks to save it (nothing too insane but sweet non the less). Garner in Over Bored was amazing. Huge jumps and great momentum. His truck sounds sex to to the ears. Mike Vaters was really getting going when his rear steer totally konked out on him less than half way in. Carl pulled off a super clean, beautiful backflip. Didn't do much else aside from a decent jump or two since he lost rear steer early on. Ryan did a typical Ryan freestyle but back-flopped at the end. 

Tomorrow looks to be pretty good, just about every truck needs work though. Im excited to see what they will be able to pull off tomorrow. 


I'd do a better synopsis but I'm running off of 2 hours of sleep and have tomorrow show to go to. Had a great night but holy balls did that show ever feel rushed to the max. Feels even more rushed than past years. 

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When I saw the thumbnail to his winning run:

I just stopped. I stared at it for a few seconds in utter shock. I am also confused as to why nobody brought this up yet, but Jim Creten had some guts last night; he started his run with a BACKFLIP.

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Controversy over Eric's Win in Anaheim. Apparently 3 out of 5 judges were friends with Eric. I thought he had a decent run, but I didn't think it was necessarily a winning run... (Don't want to trigger Bo, but can you elaborate on this one?)

Also, I noticed that the truck that came out before Wild Flower wrecked on their back flip. But they left the truck. Then after her run they moved it, preventing her from a backflip. She commented on not being able do one, but then they moved that truck for the next run...

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